
Never do this at a wedding: 7 recommendations

Wedding - the most solemn, bright, joyful event in the life of the bride. However, it is also a difficult test: the small incidents and troubles that accompany the celebration, of course, are inevitable. However, if you do not want to add a couple of problems to this moneybox, the reason for which will be you, follow the recommendations that we prepared. And never, do you hear, never make these mistakes!

Do not wear white

Even if your dress does not look like a wedding dress. Even if it is not white, but ivory. Just do not do it. Otherwise it will seem that you compete with the bride for the attention of the guests.

Do not bring your "plus one" without warning

The number of seats and portions of dishes is usually ordered a few months before the event itself. If you bring your couple to a wedding, without coordinating with the bride, she may have unnecessary worries and worries in addition to those that she already has.

Do not sit alone

People at a wedding usually always a lot - than not a reason to meet someone? Make an effort to make new acquaintances, for example, socialize with people at your table. If the bride is the only person you know at the wedding, you should not rely only on her. On this day, she will have many other concerns besides entertaining you, and you risk sitting out all alone all evening.

Do not take the microphone

If the newlyweds wanted you to make a toast at their wedding, they would probably ask you. So do not overtake the blanket, in today's event only two people should be in the spotlight. Recommendation: if you still want to do this, first ask your spouse, instead of picking up the microphone from other guests or a DJ.

Do not overdo it with alcohol

The open bar at the wedding is an invitation to relax a little, and not get drunk in the trash. The wedding is an event that the newlyweds want to celebrate with their families and friends. And the last thing they need is to be ashamed of you and apologize for your behavior to other guests.

Do not spoil the property

Broken glasses are not so scary. Broken furniture? Already more terrible. Be careful: this is an event space, not your living room.

Do not go too early

Farewell to the bride in the middle of the wedding can make her think that your time was wasted and the happiest day in her life left you completely indifferent. Do not upset the newlyweds with your whims: if you agreed to accept an invitation to their wedding, it means that on this day you should not have any other plans.

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