
How to remove pimples from your face in Photoshop?

Quite often, an inappreciable pimple or other small defect spoils the whole impression of photography. Unfortunately, it will not work out in advance. It also often does not work and quickly get rid of this problem. Sometimes, of course, foundation helps, but even he can not completely conceal the defect and save the situation. For such cases it will be very useful to know how to remove acne in Photoshop. This will help the image look aesthetically pleasing, and the result will not be embarrassing to show to friends and family.

Opening the program and uploading a photo to it, which will be processed, it remains only to allocate a little time for the procedure, as it is very easy to remove acne in Photoshop. To do this, you will need the tools located on the main panel on the left. We are talking about such elements of retouching as "Stamp", "Brush" and "Blur". They can be activated by pressing the left mouse button or using the hot keys assigned to the call of each of these functions. It should be noted that the use of shortcut buttons and their combinations significantly speeds up the work in this program.

First choose the tool "Stamp". It is necessary to know that it performs an extremely important function when correcting a photo, as in Photoshop, to remove acne, in principle, you can only use this function. However, the result obtained can have a sharp change in the contour in the places where the work was done. Therefore, to get a better result, apply the "Brush" and "Blur", as already mentioned above.

So, by activating the "Stamp" tool, it is given a radius of about 10 pixels and a small stiffness value. The latter can be left even at zero. Further, in order to learn how to remove acne in practice, it is necessary to put the cursor on a skin site that is not characterized by defects, but has the closest possible tone with the area where it is necessary to disguise the pimple.

Picking up such a place, hold down the Alt key, pressing the left mouse button once (LMB). The cursor on the screen will change its shape, becoming similar to the sign of the target, and the area marked in this way will perform the function of the sample. Then the cursor is directed to the problem area and the LMB is pressed. As a result, the tone of the sample will close the existing pimple, while Photoshop automatically performs a small color correction, helping the duplicated site to blend harmoniously with the environment. The higher the stiffness of the tool used, the clearer the boundary between the "cloned" sample and the area to which it is imported.

Then select the Brush tool and adjust it in a similar way. With its help remove various reddening, darkening, etc. The algorithm of action is the same as in the case of "Stamp". The last tool you need to remove acne in Photoshop is Blur. With it, the final image processing is performed. The user can make the settings of the instrument individually, since it depends entirely on the particular image. The tool is operated with the LMB pressed.

The procedure described gives an exhaustive answer to the question of how to remove acne in a photo in Photoshop. You can notice that it is quite simple.

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