ComputersFile Types

How to protect an Excel file, and also to remove protection

Today we will discuss how to secure an Excel file. This tool is part of Microsoft Office. Excel allows you to create tables of different complexity, use formulas, as well as individual design. All current versions of the application support the password setting.


Let's proceed to a step-by-step description of the process of how to secure the Excel file. This feature is provided to files in * .xls format, as well as any other Microsoft Office documents, including Word and Access. So, after finishing the work with the document, we press the "File" button, which is located in the menu, at the top of the Microsoft Excel window. In the list that appears, go to the "Save As" item by clicking on it once with the left mouse button. There will be a window for saving the document, in it we find the "Tools" menu, click the inverted triangle, and then use the appeared "General parameters" function.


Let's move on to the next stage of solving the question of how to password the Excel file. The "General settings" section appears on the screen. Here you must enter a password to change or open the document. In addition, if you activate the "Read only" function, when you try to open an Excel file, the toolbar will be disabled by default.

If you set the security only to start the document, the prompt will appear every time the table is opened. In this case, all users who will know the secret combination, will be able to create arrays and edit data. As for the question of how to open an Excel password-protected file , if protection is set to change the material, the launch will occur as standard, without any queries. However, if you add new data to the table and try to save the document, the application will ask you to specify a secret combination.

When both types of passwords are set, double entry is required during startup and closing of the material. It is important to know that you can set different passwords for editing and opening a file.

We return to the setting. When the password (or their pair) is set, click on the "General parameters" button "OK". In the Explorer, enter the name of the document, save the file using the appropriate function.

Remove protection

Next, we discuss how the password is disconnected in Excel. To solve the problem, no additional software is required, since the function is provided by the built-in application tools.

Run Excel. We open the document, which you need to get rid of the password protection. Use the "File" menu. Specify "Save as", and then open the "Tools" menu. Go to the "General Settings", apply a double click on the asterisks in the password line. Use the "Del" key for the desired action. Confirm the operation by clicking the "OK" button. Click "Save", and then "Yes" in a new window.

That's all, the password in the Excel workbook is removed. With the sheet everything happens in a similar way. Open the "Tools" menu, use the "Unprotect" command. To confirm the cancellation action, you will have to enter the password previously assigned. From now on, you know how to password the Excel file, and also how to cancel protection if necessary.

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