The most popular query in the Google search engine, from April to August, is the question: "How to pass the USE, if you do not know anything?". Alas, and ah! At all times schoolchildren and students cramming and studying preferred more sophisticated and cheerful methods of passing exams. All, for example, perfectly know what cribs, or "spurs", as they are called negligent pupils. But times change, ordinary exam and entrance examinations are replaced by the USE, and the ways of surrender are changing, becoming more and more sophisticated and inventive. So how to pass the exam, if you do not know anything?
Based on the results of the same Google service, one of the leaders among the USE is the Russian language, the preparation for which is not only the cramming of the rules, but also the ability to hear and reproduce what has been heard. This exam often becomes a stumbling block for graduates - in part thanks to the Internet, the literacy rate in the country is steadily falling. And then there is nothing to advise the students, except to read more, because literacy depends not only on the rules learned, but also on the number of books read, the vocabulary and the general erudition of man. In addition, in Russian, the second, by the way, in complexity, among the languages of the world, there are many words-exceptions to the rules. Here they should be written down on cribs.
Themselves such things also became technologically more developed. While the mothers and dads of the current candidates for students manually rewrote the answers to questions from the Talmud in the library, practicing not only the ability to shorten words, but also the left-hander's skills in hacking a flea (or else you can not call the detailed answer to a question on a leaf 5x5 centimeters) Their descendants are mastering the computer functions MS Word. So now it's just a shame to ask the question how to pass the USE, if you do not know anything, when the textbook on the subject can be squeezed to the size of a matchbox and printed out in 3 minutes.
Another way to respond to the USE was modern mobile technology. Why strain if you can simply turn on the phone Skype or put on or put bluetooth on your ear, and at the other end of the wire put a friend with a textbook that, like in the movie "Shurik's Adventures", will scream: "Reception, reception!". However, the teachers have also become sufficiently savvy in modern technologies, and so they take away all the gadgets from the negligent students before the exam.
But in general, if you think about it, then the State Examination of the 11th grade is given not only to deceive the teachers. First of all, this is a way to prove to ourselves: everyone, guys, now we are adults. Therefore, this exam is made for choice for the future student. It is a test task, although in general this approach forces children to rely more and more on "maybe". So before you pass the exam, future specialists should think - for whom they do it? And if the answer is still "For yourself," then you should learn the subject. And if the answer is different, then maybe you should think about it, but do you really need to hand it over right now? Maybe it's worth to grow up before you torment the search engine with a naive and stupid question: "How to pass the exam, if you do not know anything?".