HealthDiseases and Conditions

How to get rid of gas?

Virtually everyone knows what is bloating and gas formation. We will try to understand the causes that cause gas formation, how to get rid of such undesirable and unpleasant processes in our stomachs. The troubles, manifested in the form of gas generation and rumbling in our stomachs, are usually caused by nutrition. Cabbage and peas have gas-hazardous properties. But this is by no means all "provocateurs." Such phenomena can manifest themselves after eating exotic foods, Japanese cuisine, etc. This is due to the fact that our organisms are not accustomed to such food, and as a result, a lack of enzymes in the pancreas for digestion, resulting in fermentation of undigested food residues , Accompanied by the evolution of gases.

A small role in the process of food processing is played by microorganisms in our stomachs, swelling and gas formation can signal us about dysbacteriosis, when pathogenic bacteria become more useful. They can also serve as a signal for more serious diseases: gastritis, colitis, ulcers, irritation of the intestine and even cancer. With a feeling of overcrowding in the stomach and excessive release of gases for several days, you should consult a coloproctologist or gastroenterologist.

How can I reduce gas formation in the stomach?

First of all, it is necessary to recall the rule from our childhood: "when I eat, I am deaf and dumb" and eat according to it, i.e. Slowly and without talking, so as not to swallow the air with food. It is also necessary to limit the use of gas-containing beverages, and after eating it is desirable to be like. Those who love and regularly eat legumes, preferably before cooking them soak, and then carefully boil to lose some of the gas-forming properties.

Unpleasant feelings of overeating can be reduced by sorbents, since they have the property of absorbing excess gases. You can take drugs based simethicone, because it is able to break air bubbles, so they do not overextend the walls of the intestine and are easily removed from the body. Cope with dysbiosis can be with the use of lacto-, bifidobacteria.

In the event that gas formation in the stomach is caused by diseases, then you need to contact the doctors for the appointment of a course of treatment, since you need to treat the cause, and not the consequence, manifested by increased gas production, which brings discomfort and even pain.

In the event that food or banal overeating caused gas formation, how to get rid yourself of unpleasant sensations? Food, can cause gas production, how to get rid - by adjusting the stomach, i.e. It is necessary to choose the right diet, minimizing the intake of a number of foods that can act as provocators: potatoes, fresh bread, raw vegetables, beer, yeast dough, apples, etc.

It is possible to take activated charcoal as a preventive agent, which helps to avoid or reduce gas formation. Take it necessary at the rate: for 10 kg of its own weight - 1 tablet of coal. Coal has the ability to collect and remove toxins from your body.

Of the folk remedies that reduce gassing, how to get rid of:

- Dill water. Such infusion should be taken long before a meal of ½ cup;

- A mixture of dill oil and water in a ratio of 1:10 take 1 tbsp. At least 6 times during the day;

- Infusion of crushed parsley. It is insisted for at least 8 hours, and it should be drunk in equal portions throughout the day, etc.

Sometimes gas formation can appear due to stress even in absolutely healthy people. The cause of increased gas formation due to physiological age changes may be the age, both infantile and advanced.

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