Curtains or blinds are in almost every house. In some, this is the most common option, bought in a construction hypermarket. Others - more expensive, purchased in an elite salon or boutique. And only some people are able to create exclusive copies. Can I make blinds from paper with my own hands? Of course you can.
What you need to do blinds from paper with your own hands
To create a masterpiece that will surprise all guests coming to the house, only a few items are enough. They can be found without problems in any house and take a free evening by creating new blinds. First, we need a large enough roll of paper. If such an apartment is not found, you can easily use thin wallpaper. They can be patterned or monophonic. In addition, the first time you can just practice on an unnecessary roll and then send a test sample, for example, to the dacha. This will allow you to make a couple of small errors in the manufacture of the first blinds, understand the causes of the errors and not too much worry about the damaged wallpaper. We will also need scissors, stern threads, buttons or beads, one or two thin slats, glue, cardboard. That's it! It is possible to proceed safely to manufacturing.
Description of work
How to make paper blinds with your own hands? It is necessary to measure the window for which it is planned to make blinds. Then measure the amount of paper that is 2.5 times that value. Fold a sheet of paper accordion with a side equal to 2.5 cm. After finishing the work, fix the top row of the accordion between several layers of solid cardboard and use a construction stapler to fix it on a thin strip. Then repeat the manipulation with two layers of cardboard and the last fold of the accordion. Gently puncture the entire accordion at a distance of 5-7 cm from the edge. Thread the thread in the holes and fasten the bottom with a beautiful button or bead. Everything, your new paper curtains are ready! It turned out that making blinds from paper with your own hands is not at all difficult ...
What else can be made from the remnants of the material
The remaining paper after manufacturing can be useful for handicrafts. On the eve of New Year's holidays, cut out funny figures. It can be a snowflake made of paper, made by yourself, or Santa Claus, a deer or a Christmas tree in the snow. If you color them with gouache, sprinkle with gold or silver powder and hang it on the window, then you and your family will feel that the fairy tale is already close.
In the event that the winter is not yet soon, you can simply make beads from paper with your own hands. Take a paper clip, wrap it a few times with a thin piece of paper and fix it using a clerical glue. By connecting the clips together, you will get smart paper curtains. They will look equally good both in a city apartment and in a summer residence. To do this, you can use old magazines or simply invite children to color the sheets of paper. After giving them a few hours packing office paper, you will be surprised at the number of curtains that you can make! The most important thing is a good mood and great pleasure from the process that all family members will receive!