ComputersComputer games

How to make mail in Meincraft and how to get it in battle?

In the world of "Maincraft" you are trapped by a huge number of dangers. If you go for a walk at night, then you risk meeting with a large number of dangerous mobs - but in the daytime the territories of the vast world are not safe. What can we say about the moment when you are going to go down into the cave - there dangers will lie in wait for you at every step. Accordingly, you need to be able to resist them - first of all you need to acquire a weapon with which you will attack the enemy, inflict damage and kill him. However, you should pay attention to the protection - in this game the monster can hit you a couple of times, and you will already die. And this means that you definitely need to acquire armor. There are several types of it in the game, and all of them differ from each other both externally, and by characteristics, and by the margin of strength. One of the most impressive and popular options is chain mail. She looks original, and has one of the best features in the game. Therefore, in this article, you will learn how to make mail in Meincraft.

Kraft Mail

If you want to learn how to make mail in Meincraft, then you have to reconcile with the fact that getting legally it will not work. The fact is that she crafts from blocks of fire (no matter how strange it may sound), and it is impossible to find such blocks in the game. They are stacked as in any other case - all you need are eight blocks, and they occupy the entire workbench, except for the upper central cell. But how, if it is impossible to obtain fire in this form? How to make chain mail in "Maynkraft" from blocks that do not exist?

Getting Fire

In fact, the statement that there are no fire blocks is not entirely true. If you want to learn how to make mail in Meincraft, then you should be aware of this small aspect. The thing is that you can get such blocks only if cheats are activated on the server or if the administrator has decided to transfer these blocks to you independently. Accordingly, as you understand, the fire block can be obtained only with the help of the console, so the crafting of the mail with the means of the game itself is not possible. Here are such interesting and unusual recipes are "Meincraft." How to make chain mail accessible? You need either to turn on the cheat mode, or go by the bypass, which will be very long and difficult - but in the end you can get what you wanted.

Hunting for zombies and skeletons

Now you have a great idea of what surprises you can prepare the game "Meincraft". "How to make chain mail?" - this question torments many, and they are very upset when they learn that it is simply impossible without additional console intervention. However, it is worth noting that you do not have to do chain mail to have it in stock. There is another way to get this type of armor - combat. You need to go to search for skeletons and zombies, which are not covered by the most common gray checkers - that's what you need to attack. As a result, you can knock chain mail - the chance for this, of course, is not too high, but it is still available. However, one needs to take into account one small drawback of this method, which will further lengthen the way to getting the mail.


Every gamer would like to knock out chain mail and immediately put it on his character. However, this will not be the most reasonable action, since you will receive not a whole armor, but a much shabby option. And if you immediately use it in combat, it will break very quickly. Accordingly, first you need to fix your chain mail, using for this iron bars and anvil. Only after that, go into battle with a new armor.

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