ComputersComputer games

How to make a tag in "Maincraft" - instruction

Long playing on the same map in "Maynkraft", developing and expanding its influence on the cubic world, you notice that your economy is expanding. The number of animals on the farm increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to follow them. In this case, the tag comes to us. How? Why in the Maincraf tag? If it is used on any living creature, then it will rename it depending on what kind of engraving you put on the token. And now let's think about how to make a tag in "Meincraft"? The practical value of using this item is not particularly high, but its use will simplify your life.


In fact, the question: "How to make a tag in" Meincraft "?", Is not entirely true. The tag can not be made in any way, you do not need to collect anything, cook potions or craft. There are only four ways to get this most interesting subject.

  1. Indiana Jones. Or rather - travel and research. You can find a tag in abandoned fortresses, temples and ruins. Or rather, in treasuries. Of course, this is a strange place for storing registered tags, but we do not challenge the logic of the creators of the game.
  2. Fishing. Making a fishing pole and going to the river to fish, you can quite pull out not an ordinary catch or "boot", but a tag. On how to make a fishing rod, will be written below.
  3. Trade. You can purchase this item from residents or other players.
  4. Console. If you enter a special command, then the tag will immediately come to your inventory without unnecessary toil. Get code: / give @p name_tag.

As you know, to get the tag honestly in the survival mode, a good deal of luck is needed. But without this, even in real life nothing at all.

Fishing rod

Dealing with the question: "How to make a tag in the" Meincraft "?", We mentioned that we will need a fishing rod. So how to craft it? We need very few resources:

  1. Sticks. Full-full in any forest. We are going to cut wood, we make boards out of them on the workbench, but we already have wands that are so necessary for us. Just for one fishing rod we need 3 pieces.
  2. A thread. To get it, you need to either kill spiders (drops from 0 to 2 pieces), or continue exploring the world in search of cobwebs. If you cut it with a sword or scissors, you can get up to 4 pieces of material.

Having typed the necessary amount of resources, go to the bench. Spread on the diagonal sticks and in the extreme column from top to bottom 2 threads. The fishing rod is ready. Now we go to the nearest pond (it is advisable to choose deeper), we throw the hook and wait. As soon as the float is submerged, press the use button and cut off the bite. The list of items that you can draw is large enough, but among other garbage you can catch the tag you need.


Now let's understand how to use the tag in "Maincrafter". First of all, go to the anvil. On it you can enter the name assigned to the creature to which the tag will be used. Remember that this item can not be assigned the value of "tag", but if you change the language of the game to English at the time of engraving, then the restriction will not work.

Everything, now the tag with the name is ready for use. Take it in your hand and go find someone you want to rename. This can be done with almost any living being. The only exception is the Dragon of the Edge. But to approach it will be problematic. To rename an entity, go to it with a tag in your hand and click the "Use" button. The item disappears, and when you hover the cursor over it, a new name will be displayed.


We hope that after this article, you will no longer have a question: "How to make a tag in" Meincraft "?" All methods of obtaining this object in the game were disassembled. The only thing left to do is to point out some of the features and quirks of developers that you can detect when renaming creatures:

  1. When you rename a sheep to "jeb_" it will change its color.
  2. If you rename a hostile mob, it will not disappear until you are killed.
  3. If you put the name "Dinnerbone" or "Grumm" on the tag, then the creature will be turned upside down.
  4. When renaming a rabbit in "Toast" it will also change its color.
  5. When using a tag on a friendly creature, the latter will receive an additional 10 points of health.

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