Homeliness, Do it yourself
How to make a New Year's toy with your own hands.
It is customary to decorate the house for the holiday and many of us do it with great pleasure. After all, the creative process is able to completely capture the imagination, to distract from the bustle of everyday life. Agree, already at the stage of reflection on how to make a New Year's toy or decorate a table, a beautiful mood and anticipation of the holiday is born of itself. Today we will also share some ideas with readers. Perhaps they will come in handy when it's time to decorate the tree.
New Year's design has its own trends, which, often enough, echo with the general directions in the design of interiors. Thus, fashion for avant-garde, modern, high-tech, is reflected in the styles of decorating New Year trees. It should be noted that every year the stylists present to our attention a lot of colorful ideas, among which everyone will be able to find something of their own.
How to make a New Year's toy in the oriental style?
The atmosphere of the fairy tale perfectly corresponds to the magic of a festive night, and bright, rich purple, purple, pink and golden shades look great in the interior. In addition, making a toy in the spirit of a thousand and one nights is easy. It will take ordinary plastic balls (those that in any hypermarket before the holiday sell rubles for thirty for a huge package), shiny braid, medium-sized beads, thin wire, bits of brocade.
The simplest way to "dress up" a Christmas ball is to wrap it with a braid cross-on-the-cross. The ends can be hidden or collected at the bottom of the brush. No less elegant toy will come from a ball and a shred of shiny fabric.
A little more time will have to spend on creating jewelry from beads. To do this, first build a kind of basket of eight identical pieces of wire. Twist their tips together. Alternately string the beads and beads. Put a ball inside the "basket" and evenly distribute the wire, wrapping around the sphere. Secure the ends of the wire from above.
How to make a Christmas toy made of paper or foil?
Funny decorations for the Christmas tree are taught to make in the kindergarten. Therefore, most of us know perfectly how to make lanterns or balls of paper. But the possibilities of this material are not limited to such a minimal set. Let's try to expand this list.
Miniature gift boxes on the Christmas tree look more than appropriate. You can make them yourself from wrapping paper, foam and braid. For the wrapper to hold better, use a stapler to secure it. Hanging the toy is best on the loop of the braid.
Mysterious shimmer of silver foil gives the Christmas tree a special solemnity. It is difficult to imagine the New Year's decoration without the traditional "rain". And what if you add it with foil colors? Making them very easy. It is enough to cut out several patterns of different diameters, to couple them in pairs, so that the finished flower looks bulky. Fasten on one of the petals the eyelet from the braid
From several such elements you can build a New Year's wreath. Use thin wire as its basis.
How to make a New Year's toy from improvised means?
Decoration for a Christmas tree can easily be built from all sorts of trifles that are lying around your house. Take, for example, plastic containers from Kinder Surprise. They will make wonderful animal figures, funny balls. Use trimming fabrics, paper, braid. If you know how to weave from beads or crochet, the container will fit as a base.
The advice how to make a big New Year's toy is useful to those who are accustomed to not just put a Christmas tree, but also decorate every corner in the apartment. To make a pretty snowman, you need a few skeins of a white synthetic thread, a pair of balloons, velvet paper and PVA glue. To protect the rubber surface, it is lubricated with petroleum jelly.
The balloon is inflated to the desired size and we wind it with threads arbitrarily, like a normal ball. After that, we impregnate the structure with glue using a sponge or a brush and leave it to dry for a couple of days. We produce two balls of different sizes, we connect them with each other. From the paper we glue the hat of the cylinder and put it on the snowman. For greater accuracy, attach a nose in the form of a carrot and eyes from the buttons. The toy is ready.
Sewing lovers will be pleased with the idea of how to make a New Year toy from scraps of cloth.
Cute Christmas balls are obtained from a foam, covered with a cloth. To do this, first make a base in the form of a sphere. Then use a sharp knife to make deep grooves in it, dividing the ball into equal parts. From the fabric, cut out the blanks that are similar in shape to the segments of the sphere, but with a small margin. Put them on the ball and use the knife edge of the fabric to thread into the cut holes. Close the joints with braid.
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