
How to make a collage in Photoshop

Today's object of our attention will be a collage. In Photoshop, this effect can be used with a different set of tools. After all, Photoshop has a huge variety of tools and capabilities. But we will consider the easiest way, which will allow us to make a collage in Photoshop.


Before you begin to study the instruction itself, you need to decide on some points. First you need to understand what a collage is. This definition came to us from the French collage, which in translation means "the process of gluing". Collage - a kind of individual reception, which is used in the visual arts. Ultimately, this technique creates an entire work consisting of a certain number of different images, drawings, etc. There are many types of this effect. The most popular was a wedding collage. In Photoshop, this effect is much faster than in real life.


In order to make a collage, we need photos and, of course, the program Photoshop. The number of pictures can be unlimited. Since we can specify any size of the image canvas. A collage in Photoshop is created using a simple instruction that will be described later:

  1. Open the graphics editor Adobe Photoshop. As for the version of the program, you should not worry, as any of the existing ones will do. Create a new image (Ctrl + N). And in the parameters we enter individual values. It all depends on what kind of image you want to get.
  2. It is desirable that all the pictures are in one folder. So it will be easier for you to work. Select all images and drag them into Photoshop. Either open each picture individually. The most important thing is that all the pictures are in the same project, with one common background layer. (For example, we have 5 images, in the editor we have 6 layers at this stage, 1 is the background, and the rest contains our images.)
  3. When creating a collage in Photoshop, the main part of the job is to correctly position the images. It is pointless to give exact instructions on this matter. Since everyone has his own taste, and a different number of photos.
  4. Most conveniently, if the images are the same size. To change the size of the picture, you must: select the layer (make it active) and press the Ctrl + T (free transform) key combination. We will have an area with squares on the contour, changing the position of which, you will change the size of the picture. To save proportions, hold down the Shift key.
  5. Fill the background layer (which is the first in the list) with any pleasant color for you. To do this, select the Fill tool (hotkey G) and click on any area of the image. Before that, select the color through the palette.

additional information

In order to make a more beautiful collage in Photoshop, you can use various settings and modes. For example, instead of the usual background fill, you can create a color gradient. Or make an external glow, which is set in the layer styles (PKM on the layer - blending parameters). Use whatever you want. Photoshop does not restrict us.


A collage in Photoshop is created in a few minutes. You do not have to do tedious work, allocate something or draw. This effect can make even the most inexperienced user of the program Photoshop.

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