Homeliness, Pest Control
How to get rid of the twig in the house and apartment. Practical tips
The twin as a zoological species is an oblong insect consisting of hard segments of black-brown color and belonging to a group of latent six-legged individuals. The name "twig" this insect received for paired outgrowths at the end of its calf - cerci. They form something like two tails. In general, the twig is a common name for earwigs. Another one of them is called vylochail.
Why does she need a double tail
First, cerci play the role of antennae in the life of an insect. The fact is that during the pursuit of its prey, it gropes for its further path in the cracks of the soil precisely by them. Secondly, it is a tool that helps them in case of danger to retreat. How it happens: if a two-tier stumbled upon an obstacle or, God forbid, an enemy, then it immediately starts up all the heavy ones backwards, groping for its path, because there is no time to turn around.
Predatory twins
Surprisingly, among
Two-Tiered House
Two-tailed apartment in an apartment is, perhaps, even more unpleasant than cockroaches. These parasites cause irreparable damage: with great appetite they devour houseplants, vegetables and bread crumbs. It is important to know that twins, like cockroaches, love dampness.
Note! If you think that this insect is harmless, and getting rid of it is easy, eliminating the source of dampness, you are deeply mistaken! Some embedded cracks and holes in the floor are not enough. The two-way is necessary either to poison, or completely to expel from the house. How to get rid of the twig in the apartment? Let's give some practical advice. So, we deduce the two-tailed.
How to get rid of twigs in the house. Practical tips
First, put the apartment in an ideal order: do a wet cleaning, wipe off dust and so on. Secondly, calculate the breeding grounds for these insects. Thirdly, scatter in them a wonderful tool for baiting the two-part - "Fenaksin." This is the main way to destroy these parasites.
If you are interested in how to get rid of the twig by other methods, then here's another way. Just note, this option is not harassment, but simple disposal of parasites. After proper cleaning of the apartment, spread out all the wet cloths in all places, thus creating a moist environment. Be sure, pests necessarily run for moisture and dampness. When they accumulate enough, quickly fold the rag and throw them out of the apartment.
Some people who have firsthand knowledge of what a tandem is, how dangerous it is and where it hides and multiplies, have adapted as a poison to use special pills against flies that are inserted into the most common fumigator. If they believe, the result will not take long to wait - the two-year-old will take it off with his hand. Alternatively, tiuram in powder can be used against these insects. He should fall asleep along the skirting of the house or apartment.
If the people's ways of fighting against the two-tailed villages do not help, then the apartment or house needs repairs with mandatory disinfection. In any case, good luck!
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