
How to get pregnant with a boy: various theories of future sex planning for the baby

Many couples who have planned children will find out about the sex of the newborn, only at one of the sessions of ultrasound. Of course, the birth of a boy and the birth of a girl are great fun. However, many mothers and fathers, who already have several daughters, sometimes dream of their son. Consider the scientific and unscientific theories of future sex planning.

How to get pregnant with a boy: calculate the day of ovulation

This method is based on the knowledge of simple physiological facts. Spermatozoa "male" are less tenacious, but more mobile, and "female", on the contrary, heavy, slow, but more stable and hardy.

Conception can occur at the moment when the egg moves along the fallopian tube towards the uterus, that is, immediately after ovulation or within 3-4 days after its onset.

On the basis of this, it can be suggested that if the day of conception occurs on any of the days immediately after ovulation, or immediately before it, then the "male" spermatozoa have a better chance of fertilizing the egg and you will become pregnant with a boy. The day of ovulation can be calculated with the help of graphs of basaltic temperature, composition of cervical mucus, etc. It is very important to correctly choose the day of conception, because even the error in determining the date of ovulation at 1 day can lead to the opposite result, and instead of the son you will expect the daughter.

Method of renewing blood: how to conceive a boy

By the blood of parents, it is possible to plan the birth of a boy. Such a method, although it has not yet found a scientific justification, very often helps a husband and wife to become happy parents of their son. Proceeding from the fact that the male blood is renewed every four years, and the female one every three times, and knowing the birth dates of each of the future parents, one can calculate whose blood is younger. At the time of the planned conception, divide her husband's age by 4, and her own by 3. Whose residue will be less (male or female), that gender will be the baby. If you become pregnant with a girl, then just postpone the conception for one or two years.

How to get pregnant with a boy: a special diet for future parents

For the conception of a boy , a few months before the planned conception is recommended to use:

- meat (all its varieties, as well as sausages);

- fish (all its varieties, except shrimp, crab, caviar);

- eggs (protein);

- drinks (coffee, tea, beer, mineral water with soda, fruit juices, except milk, sour milk products, mineral water with calcium);

- cereals, bread (semolina, rice, biscuits, biscuits, except pancakes, wafers, bread);

- vegetables (potatoes, white beans, peas, lentils, except for green beans, green salad, raw cabbage, dill, watercress);

- mushrooms;

- fruits and dried fruits (dates, bananas, oranges, apricots, cherries, peaches, dried apricots, prunes);

- Other (you can have black chocolate, but not milk, canned food, you also need to salt all the food more).

How to become pregnant with a boy: the theory of the frequency of sexual acts

Proceeding from the same knowledge that "male" spermatozoa are mobile and there are more of them, but they are less tenacious, and "female" - on the contrary, follows the theory that if you want to become pregnant with a boy, you should have sex as often as possible. Thus, the natural situation of excess of females and lack of males is simulated, which should lead to conception by the boy. Concentration in the ejaculate of "female" and "male" spermatozoa will be observed in a natural proportion, but the latter will have an advantage due to greater mobility and strength. This method justifies itself by 70-80%.

How to conceive a boy correctly: posture for sexual intercourse and type of orgasm

In order to conceive a male child, it is necessary to stretch the prelude as long as possible, so that the ejection of spermatozoa is maximum. The position for sex is best chosen such that the man behind ("dog-like"). During orgasm, a man should enter the woman as deeply as possible, and after a sexual intercourse should lie quietly for a while, since spermatozoa should be properly "fixed" for at least 20 minutes.

There is an observation that the type of orgasm that a woman experiences during conception affects the sex of the child. So, with vaginal orgasm there are great chances of getting pregnant with a boy, and with a clitoral - a girl. And if at all during the sexual certificate the woman will not test an orgasm, the probability of that "female" spermatozoids fertilize an ootid is great.

How to become pregnant with a boy: a few more tips

At least 7 days before the chosen day of conception, it is recommended that a man give up warm underwear and take hot baths. And a couple of hours before the sexual intercourse to increase the number of sperm, let her husband drink a glass of soda or a cup of coffee.

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