
How to find out the processor capacity

Very often, the term "bit depth" is used to describe computing devices and systems, with the number of bits that are simultaneously stored, processed, or transferred to another device. However, it is precisely in the case of the application to central processors, which are the most complex elements of the computational iron, which do not divide into individual elements, that the concept may turn out to be very vague. And then a quite natural question may arise: how to determine the processor capacity? Let's understand.

How to determine the processor's capacity: the criteria for determining

We can use three criteria to determine this parameter: functional, realizable, typical. Under the functional is understood the processing, storage and exchange. Under the implementation - the physical and architectural level. And under the sample - addresses and data. It turns out that we are dealing with 12 kinds of this incomprehensible concept, and the question of how to determine the processor's capacity remains unresolved. Suppose we can call the bit depth 16-bit, if at all levels the value is exactly 16 bits. However, for 32-bit, we need to consider for which criteria this indicator should be exactly this. If we talk about data, then we can assume that they are stored in this format, but this can not be said about addresses. If we deal with each level of implementation, then we are in a very difficult situation, when it is difficult to find a set of parameters for the corresponding processor capacity. The processor does not have to process data and addresses in 32-bit format, because for this there are special operands capable of working with paired 16-bit data.

How to find out the processor capacity, and with what problems do we encounter?

Gradually you can come to the conclusion that physically, the processor does not need to do anything 32-bit, you need to convince the programmer only in the architectural plan that the processor performs operations and commands in a 32-bit format. And how to know the bit depth? The programmer generally should not care how the bit depth is physically implemented, if it works as a 32-bit one. If you systematize all the information, you can conclude that there is a very real possibility to increase the bit depth of the 16-bit processor to 32-bit, but here we are faced with the advisability of such a solution. If the processor is working with the existing configuration is normal, then there is no guarantee that when the bit is increased programmatically, it will work faster. It is likely that there will be difficulties associated with reading data and addresses in a new format, which may take additional time. It makes no sense to do 32-bit bit on a 16-bit processor, which can quickly process information in 32-bit format, as this will also negatively affect performance. From all this we can draw the following conclusion: the bit depth should be increased so that it allows to achieve a qualitative and quantitative increase in the productivity of the entire architecture.

How to determine the processor capacity by software

Since modern software can be designed for a certain processor capacity, there is a need to determine it. You can use CPU-Z or AIDA 64 applications for this task. To determine the processor capacity using the CPU-Z program, you must run it after installation, after which the CPU tab will display information about the processor. For 32-bit processors, the notation is "x86", and "x64" is used for 64-bit processors. To determine the type of processor using the AIDA 64 program, it must be installed and started. On the left, in the main window, select "Computer" - "System board" - "CPU." After that, you will see all the information about the processor, including its bit depth.

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