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How to express breastmilk - small secrets and tricks

Breastfeeding is one of the main priorities of the modern mom, which seeks to be as close as possible with her child. It is in breast milk that all the vitamins and nutrients necessary for a small organism are contained, as well as protective antibodies that will reliably protect the crumb from the negative influence of the environment during the first six months of life. Modern medicine considers breast milk a unique and valuable product, therefore it is necessary to preserve natural lactation as long as possible. The question of how to express breast milk, sometimes worries not only "beginners", but also experienced moms who have encountered any problems and need to establish normal breastfeeding.

Why it is necessary

In the first few days after the birth of the child in the breast, the mother still does not have milk, it arrives only on the 3-4th day after delivery, and in the case of cesarean section - for 4-5 days. This time can become at times a lot of discomfort, since the young mother does not yet know what to do with the breast, which has painfully poured and increased in size. This increase can be quite significant (up to 2 sizes), so the woman is annoyed by a feeling of heaviness in the chest and a painful bloatedness. It is at this time, it is necessary for the first time to resort to decanting breast milk, otherwise its stagnation will lead to the development of inflammation. But the help of an experienced specialist and following his advice, and more recently the use of breast pumps, helps to remove this problem.

How to learn how to decant

In a maternity hospital, the breastfeeding specialist should explain to the young mother how and when to express the milk, teach the technology of the process and help "dissolve" the breast. The lactating woman herself chooses how to express breast milk, she can use a mechanical or electric breast pump for this . These devices can greatly facilitate the life of a woman, since they allow you to collect breast milk in storage tanks, and the process itself is faster and much easier.

Manual decantation requires a lot of time and patience, it is desirable that the expert first shows how to express breast milk, and then the woman herself repeated his actions. To do this, she must place her thumb on one side of the nipple, and the index finger on the other side to the areola (but by no means on the nipple). Rhythmic, but not too strong pressing it should begin to massage the milk ducts, periodically changing the location of the fingers. If the milk goes very badly, you can first massage the breast a little, especially in those places where there are stagnant milk and soreness.

Nutrition of lactation

In fact, breastfeeding, after which it is not mandatory, is able to solve most of the problems of young mothers. If quite often and regularly put the baby to the chest, then there will be no problems with breastfeeding, the milk will come exactly in the amount that is needed. At first, the baby will be difficult to suck the "back" milk, since the milk ducts will not be developed yet, but this is achieved due to the frequency of application.

Normally, lactation should be adjusted within a month after the birth of the child, but if this does not happen, you need to contact a specialist who will help to solve the problem and, if necessary, show how to express breastmilk. Modern women have a wide variety of problems that can occur in the way of breastfeeding, from hyperlactation to lack of breast milk, however, most of these problems are solved by the joint efforts of the mother and specialist in a rather short time.

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