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How to dispose of mercury thermometers correctly?
Not so long ago to measure body temperature we could only use mercury thermometers, now there are electronic and even infrared devices that let you know the result in just a few seconds. Modern thermometers are very convenient, especially if the patient is a child who can not sit quietly for ten minutes (that's the time that doctors recommend keeping a mercury thermometer in the armpit), but in most cases they show the result with inaccuracy.
The most accurate measuring devices are thermometers with mercury content. In addition, a medical mercury thermometer can be easily disinfected. For this, it must only be immersed in a special solution. Therefore, in hospitals and polyclinics, such devices will be abandoned very soon.
It is not so much mercury itself that is dangerous, as the vapors allocated by it. They can cause severe poisoning, so you need to collect the metal balls as quickly as possible. If you do not know how to dispose of mercury thermometers, it is best to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, there should give detailed instructions. Ideally, rescuers should come and conduct proper treatment of the home, but in reality this happens in rare cases (mainly in large cities).
How to dispose of mercury thermometers?
From the room in which the thermometer broke, you need to take out children, adults and animals so that they do not trample and spread mercury balls around the apartment. The door must be closed, and the windows and windows open, if there is no draft and the room is warmer than on the street. Cold air will slow the process of evaporation.
Now you need to proceed directly to collecting the poisonous substance. Myself from contact with mercury should be protected by wearing rubber household gloves and shoe covers. In order not to inhale evaporation, use a dipped gauze dressing in a cold water.
Large balls of mercury are easily collected with two sheets of paper, a shovel and a brush or shaving brush, a medical pear or a syringe without a needle. Do not use a broom, its rigid rods will separate mercury into tiny particles. And to collect small balls is difficult, it is necessary to tinker. To do this, you will need tape, plasticine, plaster, wet wool. Do not use a vacuum cleaner! Mercury will remain inside the device, so it will have to be thrown out. From clothes and carpet, if mercury gets on them, you will also need to get rid of them.
All collected mercury should be placed in a glass container with cold water and tightly closed with a lid. All the items that were in contact with it must be collected and wrapped in film or placed in a bag and closed. Place, which hit the poisonous metal, it is necessary to wash several times with a soap solution or a solution of potassium permanganate, and carefully ventilate the room.
Now you know how to dispose of mercury thermometers, it remains to find out where to put the jar of poisonous substance? To do this, you need to call different authorities. It is possible that you will not get a clear answer. In any case, it is extremely dangerous to throw out mercury and all the items that you used for cleaning, in the garbage disposal, burn them or drain the liquid metal into the sewer.
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