Food and drinkRecipes

How to cook apricot jam with nucleoli?

Apricot jam with nucleoli is cooked very quickly. After all, to create such a sweet product you only need to buy the necessary fruit and heat it. To make you understand more clearly how to prepare this delicious dessert, we present to your attention its step-by-step recipe.

Apricot jam with nucleoli: a detailed way of cooking

Required products:

  • Sand sugar - 3 kg;
  • Apricots ripe - 2 kg;
  • Drinking water - 1 part glass.

Features of the choice of the main ingredient

Apricot jam with nucleoli will turn out very tasty only if you prepare for its preparation with ripe and soft fruits, from the pulp of which the bone is leaving well. When buying such a product, you should pay special attention to the fact that the surface of the fruit was completely bright orange. After all, if the apricot is slightly greenish, it will make a very rough jam with hard and fibrous fruits. Therefore, the seller of this product should always be asked to divide the sweet product in two and show how well the bone leaves and if the pulp is soft enough.

The processing of the main ingredient

Jam from apricots with nucleoli is much more delicious than a normal sweet product, for the preparation of which nuts are not used. Therefore, we decided to apply non-waste production. To do this, take 2 kg of ripe fruit, wash them thoroughly under a warm water jet, and then cut in two and take out the bones. In this case, the apricots should be laid out in a large enameled basin. Next, you need to break all the bones removed with a hammer and get delicious nucleoli. After that, they need to be poured into the pulp along with the sugar and carefully mix everything with a large spoon.

Heat treatment

If you want to make apricot jam with the nucleoli quickly, then, in addition to the sugar, you should pour a little more potable water. This is necessary in order for the sweet loose ingredient to melt faster and not to the bottom during the heat treatment. If you are not in a hurry with the preparation of jam, you should wait 10-12 hours, until the apricots themselves will not give the necessary juice.

In any case, the basin, filled with fruit, needs to be put on a weak fire and bring to a boil. After this, the sweet product must be boiled for 7-11 minutes (stirring constantly), and then in a hot kind, pour over sterilized jars. Further filled glass vessels must be rolled up and turned upside down, tightly wrapped in a blanket and held in this position for exactly 24 hours. During this time, jars of jam completely cool, and they can be transferred to a dark place for further storage (in the cellar, refrigerator, cellar, etc.).

How to serve to the table correctly

Tasty apricot jam will be fully ready for use the very next day after heat treatment. It should be put in a kremanka and presented to the guests together with a warm toast and hot tea.

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