
Details on how to delete SMS in Skype

The program "Skype" for some users has become simply irreplaceable, and in fact it is very convenient and multifunctional. It can be said is ideal for communication. With the help of Skype you can not only maintain a conversation with users through correspondence, but also make video and voice calls. About this application currently knows a large number of users, someone this program has to taste, and someone, on the contrary, negatively refers to it. Today we decided to analyze a not too complicated question: how to remove SMS from Skype. Perhaps many users already know how to do this, but some still need more information, since the program is multifunctional, and it is very easy for a newbie to get confused.


Some users do not even know that messages from Skype can be deleted. If you do not long to clean correspondence in the program, soon
Your application can be overloaded, and this situation can lead to inferior work. Of course, this applies only to those users who use the program on old personal computers. So, in order not to overload the system, you need to know how to delete SMS in Skype. This question can arise not only because of the above option, but also in the case when you have no desire that your correspondence could be read by close or familiar people who, like you, have access to a common Computer.


Let's immediately understand what methods can be used to remove SMS messages to Skype via a personal computer or mobile phone. However, I would like to note that on a PC and a smartphone the program is almost the same. It has the same functionality, so this method is suitable for all users.


It is important to know that you can selectively delete messages only at a certain time after sending. If the established period passes, you can no longer exclude messages one by one. You will have the option to clear all correspondence. We recommend that you immediately delete those messages that you think are unnecessary. Otherwise, after a while it will be impossible to do it. The question of how to remove SMS from Skype is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The most important thing is to be extremely attentive and do not accidentally exclude those messages that you needed, otherwise you will not be able to restore them.


So, let's move on to the solution of the question, how to delete SMS in Skype. First, you need to find the message you want to get rid of. You should point the cursor at this message, then press the right key of the manipulator. On the touch device, the actions will take a slightly different route. You need to find the message that you plan to delete, then press and hold your finger in the place where the message is located. Save the described position of the hand until the context menu appears. In the pop-up window you will be able to find the "Delete" button, that's it and click it. Next, you will be asked to confirm your action. It is necessary to press the "Delete" button again. In the place where the message was, an inscription appears, indicating the successful completion of the operation. Now you know how to delete SMS in Skype. At the same time, you can clear all correspondence with the other person, and one message, everything depends on your needs. Thank you for your attention.

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