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Water-based paint for the ceiling: how to apply it? Professional tips

Water-based paint for the ceiling - a material that requires a special approach. The coloration of the surface with this type of paint consists of several steps.

Stage one. Preparation

In order for the water-based paint for the ceiling to lie smoothly and smoothly, the surface must be prepared beforehand for this procedure. The preparation process, in turn, consists of 3 stages: washing, puttying and grouting.

Blurring involves removing the old putty or whitewash. Before you start, be sure to place an oilcloth on the floor, otherwise you'll be tired of washing it. First, using a brush or a roller, we moisten the ceiling with water. So the old cover will swell, and removing it will be much easier. In order to get rid of the old finishing materials, you need a spatula. The best option is a tool with a width of 8-10 centimeters with a blade length of 4-5 cm. The smaller the blade, the harder it is. And consequently it is more suitable for grouting.

The next stage is puttying. Water-based paint for the ceiling in this sense is quite demanding, so experienced masters advise to apply the putty not in 2 but in 3 layers.

Well, the last stage - grout. The more quality it will be made, the more beautiful your ceiling will look in the future. Although it is worth immediately warning that this work is tedious, monotonous and long.

Stage two. Painting

We pass to the main part. How is the water-based paint applied to the ceiling? First of all, remember that priming the surface in this case is not recommended. It is because of the defects of this foundation that the final result can be badly affected. That's why instead of the standard primer, the master is advised to use a layer of water-based paint.

The first step is to apply a diluted paint (1 l of the paint itself to 1 liter of water). Such a mixture goes through the entire surface of the ceiling. Try not to allow the appearance of paint infiltrations and divorces. It is because of the possibility of their appearance that the use of telescopic tubes is strictly prohibited. If you move the kitchen table around the room, you will spend more time, but you will be close to the painted surface and will be able to immediately evaluate the quality of the work done. A randomly appeared rushes can be immediately noticed and roll them out with a roller.

The next layers of paint (2 nd and 3 rd) also need to be diluted with water, but in other proportions (enough for 100-150 grams of water per 1 liter). To ensure that no strips remain on the ceiling, apply the paint in a direction perpendicular to the one you used to work on the first layer.

For a ceiling area of 20 squares, on average, about 5 liters of paint.

Possible problems and solutions

The water-based paint for the ceiling can not hide the defects of the surface itself. This is a common misconception. And that's why many miss during the trowelling of small scratches, roughness and rips. If during work you notice something like this, put the roller aside and walk around the problem place with sandpaper (in case of scratches, first apply a small layer of putty).

One of the most unpleasant problems is peeling. If during the work you find that the pieces of putty filler are not suitable, several more layers of this substance should be applied, let them dry and smooth down. Remember that water-based paint for walls and for the ceiling is very whimsical and needs a perfectly flat surface. Therefore, negligence at the stage of preparatory work is simply unacceptable.

I hope this article will be useful for you. Good luck!

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