Food and drinkRecipes

How to cook a cake "Spartacus"? The recipe is classic and other ways of cooking.

The history of cooking did not preserve information about when the cake "Spartacus" was first cooked. The classic recipe was remembered by many under a different name. But the dessert itself is very popular to this day.

Proven Classics

Making sweet foods is a difficult science. It requires strict adherence to the formula. Otherwise, the dessert may simply not work. Especially attentive should be those who for the first time will try to prepare a cake "Spartacus". A classic recipe for this case will do the best.

Of the products you will need:

For baking cakes:

For 400 grams of flour, half-butter butter, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder, a glass of sugar, 4 teaspoons of honey and 12 grams of soda.

For cream:

3 egg yolks, a packet of butter, half a liter of milk, a bag of vanillin, 6 spoonfuls of sugar and 90 grams of flour.

For glaze:

50 grams of butter, 125 grams of sugar, 3 tablespoons of cocoa and 150 milliliters of water.

When all the products are in place you can start working and prepare the cake "Spartacus". A classic recipe usually starts with a baked cake:

  1. In a heat-resistant container, collect eggs, honey, cocoa, sugar and oil, and then put it on fire. As soon as the components dissolve, introduce soda. The heating continues for 7 minutes.
  2. Then turn off the fire, and fill the container with flour and mix it well.
  3. Separately on the table to make the final kneading test. It should get a little sticky.
  4. The resulting mass is rolled into a bundle and divided into 10 equal parts.
  5. Each piece rolled in a layer and bake on a baking sheet in the oven for 6-7 minutes. The temperature should be 185 degrees.
  6. Now you can start to prepare a cream for this, first you need to rub the yolks with a spoon with sugar.
  7. After that, add vanillin with flour, and at the very end, pour in warm milk.
  8. Mix the mixture on a fire and cook until it thickens.
  9. Separately whip the butter with sugar and add it to the hot semi-finished product.

10. Now, to prepare the glaze, collect all the components in one pan, put it on the fire and heat it for 3 minutes after boiling.

11. The last step is to assemble the product. Corgi must be spread on each other, promazyvaya their cream. Top with glaze on all sides.

Get a very tasty cake "Spartacus." The classic recipe is pretty simple, but it takes a certain amount of time.

Similar option

Almost every dish can be cooked in different ways. This statement fully applies to cakes. For "Spartacus" is also perfect biscuit recipe. However, in this case the cake itself will be completely different.

Cream and glaze can be left unchanged, and for baking cakes use the simplest option. It will only be required:

On 150 grams of flour half a cup of sugar and 5 eggs. If desired, you can add a little vanilla.

The process should be conducted as follows:

  1. Yolks carefully separated from proteins, and then combine them with flour.
  2. Whip the whites with sugar in a thick foam. Because of the time saving, the egg can be used entirely.
  3. Connect the two masses and make the final mix. Proteins should be added gradually, in small pieces, so that they do not settle.
  4. Place the dough in a mold that has been processed from the inside with vegetable oil and sent to the oven. There should already be 150 degrees.

After 30 minutes, the biscuit will be ready. But you can not take it out of the form in 7-10 minutes. After cooling it should be carefully cut along several cakes. In other respects, the technique remains the same. Biscuit recipe significantly reduces baking time. This is also important.

National Adjustments

Every nation has its own priorities in food. And even the same dish they do differently. For example, Ukrainian housewives have their own idea of how to make a cake "Spartacus."

To do this they will need:

For the test:

A glass of sugar, 3 cups of flour, 50 grams of butter, 2 tablespoons of honey, 450 milliliters of milk, 1 egg, a tablespoon of cocoa powder, and a teaspoon of vinegar and soda.

For custard:

300 grams of animal oil, half a liter of milk, a glass of sugar and 60 grams of flour.

Usually this is done like this:

  1. In a spacious container, put together milk, honey, egg, butter and sugar. Put the dishes in a water bath and heat until the components are completely dissolved.
  2. After this, add soda and vinegar and bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Remove the container from the heat and set aside for cooling.
  4. Add to the total weight of cocoa with flour and replace the dough.
  5. Put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  6. To prepare the cream, ingredients (except oil) should be placed in a saucepan and placed on a fire. Heat continue with constant stirring until thick.
  7. Put butter in a hot mixture and shake well.
  8. The finished dough is divided into several parts. Each of them alternately roll out into a pancake and bake in the oven at 180 degrees. One cake will take no more than 5-8 minutes.

Now it remains only to collect all the blanks in a pile and smear them with the prepared cream.

Non-standard variant

It will be very interesting if you make a cake made of mastic "Spartacus". This option is not quite the usual, but quite interesting. In this case, the glaze can be replaced with mastic.

For its preparation you need to have:

For every 200 grams of condensed milk 15 grams of lemon juice and 160 grams of milk powder and powdered sugar.

You can make mastic as follows:

  1. In a clean container, combine powder with milk powder.
  2. Mix the mixture in the form of a slide, and then make a small depression on top.
  3. Pour the condensed milk into it and start kneading the mastics. Lemon juice is added drop by drop. The finished mass should not stick to your hands. Otherwise, you need to add more powder.

Before use, the finished mass must be rolled up using a rolling pin on a cutting board into a thin layer. He can be given any form. Remains only to cover this semi-finished surface of the cake as a blanket. Usually the mastic turns out cream color. To give it the right shade, you simply enter the food coloring in the kneading step.

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