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How to collect a tent: tips for experienced tourists

Most of the urban residents like to relax in nature, to stay away from bustle, traffic and problems. It is more pleasant to be located in a picturesque forest clearing, where the singing of birds and the nature that pleases the eye make it possible to forget about everything in the world than to sit in an apartment and admire the high-rises and car lines.

If you plan to leave, for example, in the woods for a few days or with an overnight stay, you should know how to collect a tent so that you can sit and sleep. Tourists know about it best, therefore it will be more correct to learn some of their skills and listen to advice.

So, how to build a tent? The scheme is quite simple, but before you consider it directly, you must first determine how to choose the right place for installation, because this is also important:

  1. First of all, you need to choose the most flat surface. If such an option is excluded, then the installation should be carried out taking into account that the heads of the sleeping are on the dais.
  2. The place must first be cleaned of interference, that is, stones, leaves, sticks and other debris.
  3. It turns out that in search of a solution to the question of how to collect a tent, you should also pay attention that it is best not to have it in the immediate vicinity of the fire. Otherwise, there is a risk of fire.
  4. Do not also put it near the water to hide from the dampness and morning coolness that comes from the rivers and lakes.
  5. The entrance to the tent should not be blocked by trees, bushes and other external obstacles.

How to build a tent? First of all, everything depends on its design, complexity, and also on the experience of the assembler himself. Therefore, time can be spent on it from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

The thing is that the general principle of the design of all types of tents is the same, because there are some universal tips applicable to all types. Initially, you need to remove from the cover all the racks, the tent itself, as well as the entire set of pegs and stretch marks (if available). The following is a diagram of how to collect a tent:

  1. If the tent is two-layered, its inner part should be bottomed to the ground.
  2. Then you need to collect metal racks and arches.
  3. Racks should be inserted into the tent and tied with those tapes that are specifically designed for this. After carrying out this procedure, the structure needs to be raised.
  4. Then you should throw an outer tent, put it on the pillars and fix it with ribbons.
  5. With the help of pegs, the bottom of the tent is fixed. They are inserted into special cavities or loops and clogged at an angle of 45 degrees.
  6. Stretching, if provided by the design, are installed symmetrically.
  7. The final step is to check the correct tension of the tent. It is necessary to check that there are no unnecessary wrinkles. All defects should be straightened.

Of course, each design has its own specific features and requirements, which are prescribed in the instructions to the product. Because in this case, patience and accuracy are important. Knowing how to collect a tent, you do not have to worry about rest on the nature.

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