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How to clean the bathtub to white? Advice to housewives!

To clean the apartment, each housewife has its own brand secrets, but the most difficult area to remove plaque and rust is still the bathroom. Many women resort to the old proven methods, known since the time of grandmothers, but the result is not always happy. With the passage of time, a large and wide range of cleaning and cleaning products appeared. Even with the development of new methods for cleaning the bath, this problem still remains the most urgent. And there are questions: "How to clean the bathtub to white and by what means? How not to spoil the product? And the better it is to protect it?" The most common are cast iron baths. They are durable, reliable and durable, perfectly keep the heat. The only drawback is the coating of their enamel. Over time, the enamel appears plaque, and after each bath, the mud settles. The emergence of such a problem will result in poor-quality water and misuse of chemicals. To give a brilliant appearance and effective cleaning of the bath I offer a number of tips.

How to clean the bathtub to white?

Before starting the process of chemical treatment, it is necessary to protect the skin of hands and clothing with rubber gloves and an apron. In some cases, a respirator or mask is needed. Know that the bath enamel does not like a variety of powders and pastes. Sponge for washing, take a soft, without rough surface, so as not to damage the enamel. If your bath is new, and the stains are quite small and not stale, lemon juice, vinegar, warmed ammonia, toothpaste or soda can be a good way to remove and brighten and whiten the bath. You can also rub the surface with salt, a mixture of salt and mustard or vinegar, and then wipe with a cloth moistened with turpentine. For greater effect, the deposited funds should be left for 15-20 minutes, and then thoroughly rinsed with water. And how to clean the bath to white with chemicals? Very simple! Currently, the modern market is full of various specialized cleaning and cleaning products. The gel or liquid remedy is best, but it's what everyone determines for himself by trial and error. They not only help to easily clean the surface of the bath, but also extend the life of the product.

How to clean the old tub?

No matter how hard you try and try to keep the bath in its original form, eventually it turns yellow and absorbs dirt. And how to clean the bathtub to white, if it is in such terrible condition? The best option, of course, will be a replacement for a new accessory. But the economical housewives will have to try to restore the bath and wipe off dirt from it. For the stale and inveterate spots, whiteness and funds for cleaning the windows and toilets will help. After applying the product, leave the bath in this form for 24 hours, and then rub it with a brush (can be a hard sponge) and rinse with water. If your bath is damaged by enamel, all attempts to clean it will not succeed. In a few days she will turn yellow again. In this case, you will have to restore the product by using enamel staining or apply an acrylic liner.

And know before you take a bath, you need to pour the walls with warm water. This will prevent the appearance of cracks in the enamel and simplify the solution of the question: "How to clean the tub?" And to keep the product clean and snow-white, it is enough to rinse the bath after each bath and clean once a week.

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