Computers, Software
How to change the background in Yandex. Browser, search engine and "Yandex.Mail"
The company "Yandex", which opened at the end of the last century, regularly launches very useful services. To date, this search engine is one of the largest on the planet and, perhaps, the most popular among the Russian-speaking segment of the World Wide Web.
If you actively use the services of this company, then most likely, you will be interested to learn how to change the background in "Yandex", namely in the browser, search engine and mail.
The material of the proposed article will help you easily change the boring design in the above services and the web browser. The whole operation will take only a few minutes.
How to change the background in "Yandex" (browser)
Due to high speed of loading web pages, simple interface and attractive design, Yandex (browser) quickly won the trust of many users.
But, despite the nice design, some "users" want to "revive" the appearance of the web browser, set a theme that matches the mood. If you also belong to this category of people, then further information will be relevant to you.
So, how to change the background in Yandex? In fact, you will only need to perform a few simple actions:
- Start the browser and open a new tab.
- An "Express panel" will appear, where you will find the "Change background" option at the bottom.
- Click on the specified button. A list with different design options opens. After selecting the appropriate image, click the "Finish" button.
That's all! Now, opening the "Express panel", you will see a picture that will lift your spirits.
Setting a custom background
In addition to the standard options offered by the browser, you can use as a background any image stored on your computer. Agree, it will be very interesting to look "Express-panel", going to which, you will see, for example, a photo of yourself, a loved one.
If you are interested in the proposed design of the browser, it is recommended to learn how to put a background (user) in Yandex. This can be done easily, following this sequence of actions:
- Open the web browser and go to the new tab.
- On the "Quick access page", refer to the "Change background" option.
- At the end of the list of images, click the "+" button.
- Select the file located on your PC, and click Enter.
Thus, you can set any background as a background - a personal photo, a beautiful drawing, executed with the help of, for example, "Photoshop". In general, as they say, all that the soul wills.
How to change the background in Yandex (search engine)
If, by opening the search system "Yandex", you are tired of seeing the usual design, then the situation can be quickly corrected by installing some funny image. As a result, your pastime on the main page of this "search engine" will not seem so boring.
So, in order to perform this operation, open the site of the search engine in question. Pay attention to the icon with the image of the gear, located near the profile photo. Click on it and select "Set theme". A list will appear below, from which you can choose the variant that suits you. Images are grouped by category, so finding the most attractive background does not take a lot of time.
Unfortunately, at the moment you can not set your own background, as in the case of "Yandex" (browser), but who knows, one day developers will provide such an opportunity.
Setting the background in Yandex.Mail
You already know how to change the background in "Yandex" (web browser and search engine), so it remains only to change the design of the e-mail box. Especially this applies to those users who often use this service, every day looking through a large number of letters.
Go to your mailbox and click on the button with the image of the already familiar gear. In the opened window select the section "Registration". There are not so many options, but you can still choose the appropriate background. For example, the topic "Cosmos" or "Gazetnaya" will look good. And maybe you'll like the image of "Perm Krai". In general, everything depends on your mood and taste preferences.
As you can see, it's very easy to change the appearance of mail. Now you also know how to do it, which means that you can at any time install any topic that is on the list.
So, you learned how to change the background in "Yandex" - browser, mail and in the search engine. Now, when you want, you will perform this operation in a few minutes.
Of course, some users can ask the question: "Why do this at all?" In fact, everything is very simple. Man is so arranged that sooner or later some things start to irritate him, there is a desire to change something. And if you spend a lot of time at the computer, then, as an option, you can at least change the design of the services that you regularly use.
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