
How to call traffic police in place of an accident? What to do in the event of an accident?

Today almost everyone has a driver's license and a car. This is not surprising, since the vehicle has been an important and integral part of modern life for many years. But the car is not only comfort and convenience, but also a threat to health and life. Management of the vehicle is fraught with many dangers, since the probability of getting into an accident is quite high. According to statistics, the number of traffic accidents does not decrease, so everyone should know what to do in the event of an accident and how to call the traffic police at the scene of an accident.

Situation first

In the event that no damage is caused to third parties during an accident, there are no casualties, and vehicles are quietly moving, drivers can independently arrive at the traffic police unit. To clarify which unit serves this territory, you can call 112. But this option is possible only if the participants of the road accident have reached mutual agreement. At the scene of the accident, it is necessary to create a scheme with personal efforts, the authenticity of which is confirmed by the signatures of the drivers. The traffic police will draw up relevant documentation based on the materials provided.

Situation two

If the consequences of accidents are more serious, the participants of the incident have different points of view on the situation, it is necessary to know how to call the traffic police at the scene of an accident. If circumstances have developed so that there are victims, it is mandatory to call an ambulance. How to call traffic police from your mobile phone? To do this, call 020 for MTS and Megaphone, 002 for Beeline, 02 for Skylink and Tele-2, and you can dial 112.

Participants in the incident must provide each other with personal information, as well as information about insurance policies and the location of agencies. Witnesses of an accident must also leave their contact details.

Before calling traffic police at the scene of an accident, first of all it is necessary to turn on the alarm and set a special sign. Before the arrival of a team of doctors, first aid should be provided to the victims.

To avoid problems with insurance reimbursements, you need to timely warn the insurance company about the circumstances. This can be done by phone right at the scene of the accident.

A superfluous measure is documentary evidence of the situation on the road. It is necessary to take pictures of vehicles and the environment. If the employee of the insurance agency arrives at the scene, then he will do all the necessary photos himself.

What should every driver know?

After the traffic police has been called to the scene of an accident, all documents must be prepared: a personal passport, a certificate that confirms the registration of the vehicle, driver's license, MTPL policy.

In no case can you move vehicles or disrupt the location of things. Everything should remain the same as at the time of the road accident.

Drivers are required to know not only how to call traffic police on the scene of an accident, but remember that after an accident you can not take any drugs, except those that are officially allowed to have in the medicine cabinet.

When traffic policemen arrive at the scene, it is necessary to record their personal data, the name of the unit and the number of the certificate.

After registration of the protocol of the inspection of the place of an accident, employees must issue a certificate indicating the damage, and the culprit of the incident - the protocol on prosecution.

What to do after an accident?

Within 3 days after the road accident, the driver must come to his insurance agency to personally inform the company. He must submit a written notification, to which the following documents (originals) are attached:

  • The policy of OSAGO;
  • A certificate of a road accident that is issued by the DGDD at the scene of an accident;
  • Technical passport for the vehicle;
  • driver's license.

In the event that the driver does not consider himself guilty of a road accident, he has the right to fix this in the record and to certify with his personal signature.

Those participants of road accidents that have MTPL insurance should, after priority actions, warn that no one repairs their vehicles until an independent examination is carried out.

In the event that drivers or passengers of vehicles that participated in a traffic accident were temporarily disabled, you must provide the insurer with a certificate of incapacity for work. It is issued in the medical institution where the treatment is performed. In more complex cases, you need to attach a certificate of disability.

Ways to call staff G & BHP

Every driver should know how to call traffic police at the scene of an accident. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Call through a landline phone. In this case it is necessary to call 02. The operator who received the call will notify the traffic police and the ambulance crew, if necessary.
  • If an accident occurred on the road, you need to know how to call traffic police from your mobile phone. The driver can make an emergency call at 112 in any part of Russia, even if the phone does not have a SIM card or it is locked, or if there is no mobile signal.
  • In the event that the situation is very difficult, it is more expedient to contact the Rescue Service immediately by calling 911.
  • If the circumstances have developed so that participants in the accident do not have a phone with them, it is necessary to stop any car and ask the driver to report an accident to the nearest traffic police post.

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