EducationThe science

How to calculate the power consumption of the appliance?

Let's talk about how to calculate the power consumption. To perform the calculations, elementary knowledge from the school course of electrodynamics, connected with voltage, current, power, will be required.

Parameters for calculations

To calculate the current consumption, you need to know its strength, as well as the voltage of the source. The power (P) is calculated by multiplying the current by the electrical voltage.

Formula for calculations

In order to understand how to calculate the power consumption of an electrical appliance, let us dwell on the definition of each physical quantity used in the formula.

The current strength is the value of the electric charge, which passes through a given area of the conductor per unit time.

Voltage is a physical quantity that is characterized by an electric field created by current.

The unit of power is W, which is the product of 1A to 1V.

Features of the calculation

For example, you can calculate the power consumption of electricity at a current in the circuit of 3 A, voltage 100 V. The power in this case will be 300 W.

As a non-system unit of power measurement , a volt-ampere is used. Force try to indicate on circuit breakers (circuit breakers). This is the maximum value at which the breaker will trip.

In addition, voltage parameters and current values are always present in the documentation attached to the devices, and are written on its housing.

The values of these physical quantities, characteristic of basic electrical devices, can be found in specialized reference books. For example, for household lighting fixtures, the current strength in the range of fifteen amperes is the norm. For powerful appliances used in the household, the current can reach 60 amperes. The electric voltage in the network is 220 V.

Mathematical Actions

In order to understand how to calculate the power consumption, we will use a concrete example. If the voltage indicator of the network is 220 V, and the current flows through the circuit 2 A, then the power consumption of this device will be 440 W.

How to calculate the current consumption, if given the value of the current? For example, at a power of 48 W and a voltage of 24 V to determine the current strength, you need to divide the amount of power into voltage. The current in the circuit is 2 A.

How to calculate the current consumed, knowing the power? The maximum current in the circuit can be determined from the value of power and voltage. For example, at 100 W and 2 V for calculating the current, the power is divided by the voltage, we get 50 A.

Rules for calculating the power consumption

Let's talk about how to calculate the power consumption of appliances used in everyday life. First it must be carefully examined. Often indicate the power on the body of the device, for this the manufacturer is stamped with a special sticker. What can you read on this label? The magnitude of the current strength, voltage parameters, and the maximum power of this device. In some cases, such information is indicated by the manufacturer on the name plate of the household appliance.

Consumers pay for electricity on the basis of the power consumed, expressed in kilowatts. Its nominal value implies the amount of power required for stable operation of the device. For example, for household refrigerators, this parameter is 500 watts.

To save electricity and money, it is important to conduct a full calculation. How to calculate the power consumption of energy throughout the house? Let's consider a specific sample.

Calculation of light bulbs

For example, when using two light bulbs with a power of 100 W and 23 W, you can evaluate the economic feasibility of buying a lamp of lower power. Let's try to clarify this assumption on a specific calculation. So, when subtracting from a smaller parameter, we get a difference of 77 V. When paying an invoice for consumed electric energy, accruals are made based on the consumed kW / h. When the lamps are operated for a long time period, it is possible, by multiplying, to determine the difference in the charge for a 23- and 100-watt lamp.

To better understand how to calculate the power consumption, let's take an example when the apartment uses ten light bulbs, each of which is 100 watts.

In total, the lamps consume 1000 W, that is, 1 kW. If for a year they burn 2000 hours, it is 2000 kW. At an average cost of one kilowatt-hour 5 rubles will have to pay for the annual use of lamps 50,000 rubles. In order to reduce material costs, many owners of apartments and houses have long established energy-saving lamps.

Some appliances consume electrical energy even when they do not work, but remain plugged into the outlet. If the LED continues to light on the device, this indicates that it consumes some power.

When calculating the power consumption according to the formula, the result is very conditional. Therefore, in the case when it is necessary to obtain a reliable result, wattmeters are used.


In connection with the constant increase in prices for electricity, the issues related to calculating the power consumption, searching for ways to save, are timely and relevant.

Practical owners of urban flats and country mansions try to analyze in advance the power consumption of the purchased devices in order not to pay huge bills for electricity later. Fundamental calculations of the total power consumption of electric energy for an individual house are carried out at the design stage of the electrification system. In this case, you can not only avoid unnecessary costs for electrical energy, but also avoid overloading, which can lead to spoilage of appliances and even to a fire.

Among the common household appliances that need to be taken into account when calculating the total power consumption, we note incandescent lamps, electric cooker, refrigerator, food processor, vacuum cleaner, personal computer, coffee machine, aerogrill, electric kettle, cooker hood, dishwasher, boiler.

Each of them is designed for consumption of a certain capacity, that is, it will be "included" in the receipt for electric energy. The simplest way to achieve savings in the family budget can be considered the purchase of appliances for home use, having an energy saving class A ++.

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