
How to calculate how many cubes of building material are in one cube

During construction, the question often arises as to how many cubes are in one cube. This applies to a variety of materials, which in their parameters have three indicators: length, width, height. To get a cubic metric based on the dimensions, you need to find out the metric data of the material unit. For this purpose, length, width, height are measured, and for convenience of calculations the indicators are translated into meters. For example, if the side dimension is 25 cm, then the translation will be 0.25 m.

This calculation will help you decide how many square meters in one cube. To determine the area used square. M, since two indicators, width and height are sufficient. Cubic footage is needed to determine the volume of premises, tanks, as well as to calculate the material requirements for building a large building.

General principle of calculation

Accordingly, in order to calculate how many square meters in one cube, it is necessary to multiply the area of the base by an indicator of height, thickness or depth, using a meter unit of measurement. If you need to calculate the amount of material to find out how many cubes are in a cube, you need to know the thickness of the product that is taken for calculation. And then, based on the total area, the required quantity per 1 sq. M. Is calculated. More details can be considered on specific examples.


In order to calculate the material requirement for the erection of walls, it is necessary to calculate how many square meters of bricks are in one cube. First calculate the area of the brick, multiplying its width by the length. The dimensions of the material are 250x120 mm. We translate into meters, it turns out 0,25х0,12. Multiply, and it turns out that the area of one brick is 0.03 square meters. M. After 1 square. M is divided into 0.03 square meters. M and we find that in 1 square. M is placed 33.3 bricks. Now, in order to calculate how many bricks a cubic meter is included, it is necessary to use the height of the brick area, which is 65 mm or 0.065 m. Subsequent actions will allow to calculate the quantity per 1 cubic meter. M, for which the cube is divided by the height of the brick and multiplied by the number of bricks of one row, i.e. 1 / 0,065x33,3. With rounding, you get 512 bricks that fit into 1 cube. M. The building volumes of bricks are calculated not only for the construction of walls, therefore, in order to calculate the required amount of material for filling 1 square. M, you should consider how the brick will fit. If it is put on the edge, then, respectively, the consumption per 1 sq. Km. M is reduced, hence, and the need is reduced.


To determine how many cubic meters of foam blocks in one cube, you can use the technique of calculating the number of bricks. But penoblok in its size is much larger and consider it more problematic. Therefore, it is better to use another calculation, which will be no less accurate than in calculating the brick. For the construction different block sizes are used, therefore it is not advisable to give an example on each product. For convenience, the standard wall unit with dimensions of 600x200x300 mm will be taken into account. To translate into meters is not necessary, it will be more convenient to consider as cubic centimeters. Proceeding from the fact that the cube is a figure with equal sides, its indices are 100x100x100 cm. Thus, multiplying the sides, we get 1,000,000 cubic meters. See the same procedure is the volume of a unit of foam block 60x20x30, and the result is 36000 cubic meters. See Further the volumes are divided among themselves, 1000000/36000, and it turns out 27.7 pieces of a foam block in a cubic meter.


The lumber for the walls has large values, so to calculate how many square meters of timber in one cube a square centimeter will be used. The beam, like the foam block, has a different length, width and height, but for example one of the commonly used wood parameters is 6000x200x150 mm. Multiplying the sides of one bar, translating them into centimeters, 600x20x15, we obtain the result of 180,000 square meters. See Further on the fulfilled scheme, 1000000 cubic meters. See divide by 180,000 and it turns out that in 1 cube 5.55 pieces of timber. When determining the required volume, in order to make the calculations as accurate as possible, it is necessary to take into account the material connection, corner joints, cutouts under the windows and doors openings, as well as the shrinkage that occurs as a result of shrinkage of the structure and can reduce the ceiling height up to 15 cm, Material will be required for building more.


These calculations are necessary to, for example, fill the floor area or a certain area. Transportation and accounting of the solution is carried out in a cube. Cm, and the area is square. See To calculate how many square meters of concrete are in one cube, it is necessary to calculate the area of the planned plot of pouring and multiply it by the depth of the pile. For example, it is necessary to pour a monolithic slab for a future house measuring 8x10 meters with a depth of 0.8 meters. To determine the volume, the numbers multiply, 8x10x0.8, and we get 64 cu. M, which will be needed to fill this volume. You should take into account a small stock, so that during the pouring stage it was not that for some reason the solution was not enough.


In order to calculate the quantity of the necessary material and make its delivery in the required volume, it is possible to use the simple above calculations at first glance. Also, it is necessary to take into account some features, such as the docking of the timber, the thickness of the jute, the use of mortar when laying the brick and block, which can significantly change the original index. Do not forget about the sawing of the building material, and therefore, the presence of scraps that are included in the overall calculation, but remain without use. In addition, the calculation scheme is universal, it can be used to calculate the required material of any shape and size.

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