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How to calculate Easter for different faiths?

In the spring of each year in several religious confessions such a wonderful holiday is celebrated, like Easter, dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ. This event gave rise to a number of accompanying traditions in each country. For example, in England on this day try to put on new clothes, celebrate weddings, play football with a small keg of ale, which is then drunk during the festival.

In Sweden, burn a lot of fires, which, according to legends, should scare away all evil spirits. In many countries professing Catholicism, the practice of riding eggs from the mountain, which symbolizes the removal of the stone from the cave, which was Jesus Christ. Easter, the photo of which is presented in the middle of the page, is especially celebrated in Latin America, where very colorful processions and themed carnivals are held.

An interesting feature of Catholic Easter is the presence of such a symbol as a rabbit. It is believed that he came from an ancient pagan practice, where he was considered a symbol of fertility. According to legend, the goddess of spring Estra made a hare a bird, so he continues to bring the eggs to the children on this spring holiday.

The answer to the question of how to calculate the Passover depends on the confession in which this event takes place.

In the Catholic and Orthodox faith, the date is calculated according to the Paschalia, although the dates of the holidays do not coincide with each other and may differ for a whole month. This situation is due to the fact that both churches recognize the onset of this event on the first Sunday after the spring new moon, which comes after the day of the vernal equinox. But Catholics lead the chronology of the Gregorian calendar, and the Orthodox use the Julian calendar. If you want to know how to calculate Easter in its extreme limits, you can remember that the date of the holiday is according to the old style for the period from 22.03 to 25.04, and according to the new style - from 04.04 to 08.05 of each year.

In the Jewish tradition, the feast of Easter is dedicated to a slightly different event. Pesach (Easter) is celebrated here for seven days in Israel and one day more in other countries. This holiday marks the liberation of Jews from Egyptian slavery. How to calculate Easter for this tradition? Its date is fixed and is defined as the eve of the fifteenth day of the month of Nisan. The latter corresponds to March / April in the Gregorian calendar. Some features of the Jewish Passover are also of ancient origin. For example, the sacrifice of a lamb (today symbolic) goes back to the holiday of the litter of cattle, and the destruction of old bread - on the occasion of the first harvest of barley.

When Easter is celebrated in Israel, the most solemn part is the evening meal on the second and the first evening (Seder). At this time, everyone gathers at the table, reads the tale of Exodus and eats a special meal. On other days it is not recommended to work. It is better to spend time with your family, go to visit, read the Torah, or go to Jerusalem at least once in your life.

Now you know how to calculate Easter for each religious denomination, and can explain to anyone why the dates of the festivities do not always coincide.

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