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How to become a magician in real life: useful tips

Some people dream of finding a way to become a magician in real life. Pass strange and frightening rituals in order to gain strength. However, everything is not so simple. To get strength you need to work hard.

What is magic?

Very few understand what magic really is. It's not just waving a magic wand, flying on a carpet-plane or whispering spells. This is the power of the will of a magician or wizard, directed at a certain event or thing. As a result of all this, reality begins to change. So do not even think about how to become a magician in 7 days. Over this period of time, one can only understand in general terms something about magic. To study it may take years of training and various knowledge. And even then it will be impossible to say with certainty that everything possible is known.

You should also know that magic is not available to everyone. Only that person who is really ready to step into the unknown, beyond the threshold of the world familiar to him, and also to drop all conventions, will be able to achieve something in this field.

Existing types of magic

There are so many different kinds of magic. She can be engaged in one person, and a group of people, she can be good and bad. Depending on this, the names of the magic are determined. For example, the magic of rituals or rituals is often committed by groups of people. It can be aimed at various purposes, such as evoking rain, resorting to some deity, summoning spirits, etc.

There is also black and white magic, the difference is only in the way by which the goal is achieved. These two types of sorcery also have their subspecies. For example, the magic of Voodoo refers to the black type, and the runic to the white. In addition, there is also the magic of the elements, as well as many other species.

Thus, choosing a favorite section of witchcraft, you should look for ways to learn it, and as a result you will learn how to become a magician. It is believed that one can become a specialist only in one direction (to which there is a predisposition), while others can only be used occasionally.

What you need to know

If you want to know how quickly to become a magician in real life, you should know that it is almost impossible, of course, if you are not a born mage with already available abilities, for example clairvoyance. Then even the person himself can not control himself. But even then, it may be necessary to train for the development of abilities, as well as knowledge to manage them.

If we talk about the basic skills of the magician, then they will differ depending on what his specialization is. But one important quality must have any magician - this is the ability to control yourself in any situation. Those who encounter the beyond, without this ability to do nothing. For example, it is very important for the herbal healer to determine plant names, and also to know their application. If we talk about predictions, then the developed intuition is important. Therefore, the practitioner of this magical branch must train in this direction.

The use of magic in everyday life

Some of the types of magic are used every day, only we do not notice it. We do not even suspect it. For example, the magic of signs. Anyone who really follows this path, notices ahead of signs, events and omens of the future. This can be compared with prediction and foresight.

If we talk about how to become a magician, where to start, then there is no identical way. Everyone has his own. Someone starts with theory, someone with practical skills. Some get knowledge directly from a knowledgeable person, and some pile over books for a long time. Therefore, everything is individual.

So, about magic in everyday life. This is more inherent in women, since they are sorceresses at home. This is their element. Let's just say, it's simply impossible to cook a delicious dinner without a fraction of magical powers, you need to use all your skills and knowledge (for example, to know what kind of grass to put in order to improve the taste).

Also, some knowledge is needed in the event that one of the relatives falls ill. In ancient times, every woman possessed this skill, healers and doctors were treated in very difficult cases. It was on the woman that this responsibility lay.

In addition to all this, there are various conspiracies that are used in everyday life, for example, to attract good luck or accomplish a deal. Various love potions can also be attributed here.

Mages of various elements

There are four main elements: water, air, earth, fire. Well, accordingly, the magicians and their rituals associated with them. In addition to the main, there are also secondary:

  • metal;
  • tree;
  • Order;
  • chaos;
  • ether;
  • Astral;
  • spirit;
  • dark;
  • shine.

Of course, there are others that are used in magic, but these, perhaps, are the most famous. You should also know that the elements are constantly interacting with each other. This causes various reactions of the surrounding world (hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions). Therefore, you need to know about these interactions to the practicing magician, so as not to harm.

Every person who wants to master the power of the elements, there is a predisposition to one, determined by both the character storehouse and many other qualities. For example, if you want to know how to become a magician of the air, you should feel this element, be it. However, you can use everything if necessary. It depends only on personal strength and skill. It is also believed that for weaving spells for the magic of the elements, no additional adaptations are required at all. Spells can be used to spend considerable powers of the magician. Of course, it is better to replenish them in the element that you practice.


This element protects brave and strong people. It is considered a fighting magic, because it has very great power. However, it is used for domestic purposes, as well as in charity. To start practicing it should be from the creation of fire (keep a fire extinguisher near just in case), first near the already existing flame, and after - away from it.


This element protects very volatile people. They can be very soft, but after a moment they become rigid if necessary. This magic can also be combat, but more often it gives life, protects it. It is better for inexperienced mages to start submitting to it from the creation of a water jet.


People who are subject to this element are usually dreamers. However, we can not say that they can not stand up for themselves. If necessary, they can be very persistent. They also have some secrecy. If you want to know how to become a magician of the air, to master all the possibilities of this element, then, of course, practice is necessary. The most vivid example of the use of the elements is levitation.


This magic is characterized by people who are very calm, they are unhurried, their actions are always based on solid beliefs. The use of this magic is possible for defense, in combat, and also for domestic purposes.

Thus, if we sum up all the above about spontaneous magic, we can say that to master its several species it is necessary to have a very volatile character in order to merge with it, to understand its action.

The magic of divination

Predictions are a very large section of magic. This includes many subsections.

Guessing on the coffee grounds

This is a very famous way of predicting the future. The essence of it is to interpret the signs of coffee on the bottom of the cup.

Looking in the mirror ball

There is already need to have a certain inner vision in order to see something. In addition, the ball before the work still needs to be adjusted for yourself.


In this technique of divination everything is pretty clear. Most often, visions arise on their own, under the influence of strong emotions.

Interpretation of dreams, signs

It requires knowledge of what symbolizes a particular object or event.

Prediction on the runes

This magic is quite ancient, fortune telling happens on the runes. In addition to the prediction, they are used to make amulets, they are healing.

As you can see, there are many ways to become a magician in real life. You should choose only the more suitable for you.

Fortune-telling cards - is it magic?

Traditionally, fortune-telling cards are Tarot. There are many decks of such cards, as well as the technique of their layout. It is believed that each deck can have only one owner, to whom she can reveal her secrets, but after his death, she can move to another. You should know that each card can symbolize completely different things, depending on how it lies, in what scenario, etc.

There are 78 cards in the Tarot deck - Junior and Senior Arcana. It takes a long time to practice it. Therefore, experts recommend to start to learn twenty-two cards from the top deck.

Love spells. Is it possible?

Some in order to learn how to become a magician in real life, master love potions. It should immediately be noted that this is a rather dangerous witchcraft, since the consequences of this action are completely unpredictable. That is why some experts refer it to black magic.

There are many different ways to bewitch a person. They make conspiracies for various liquids (milk, wine, water), from a photograph. You can also use hair, some girls apply their monthly blood (is considered the most powerful spell).

Black and White Magic

There are two opposing teachings - white and black magic. Every term should be explained here.

White magic is that all rituals and actions are for the sake of good, helping people. All this should be free from any self-interest. White magic is creation, not destruction. It is believed that it can be manifested in every person, which is quite natural. An example of white magic can be healing, herbalism, various conspiracies for luck, well-being and much more.

Black magic implies the opposite. Here the whole result is aimed at the benefit of the person. However, it is not at all necessary that sorcery will be in the form of sacrifices, the revival of the dead and conversations with Satan. It can be quite harmless fortune. Privorot, for example, men. And he has children, and in general he loves his wife. All this is called black magic. This includes such actions as spoilage or the evil eye, lapels and spells, Voodoo, necromancy (although some consider it a separate species). However, it should be remembered that an incorrectly pronounced spell can affect the caster itself.

Those who want to know how to become a black magician in real life, the very first thing to do is to throw out of their lives the desire to help, sympathize, and live their own selfish desires. Also it must be remembered that for the power and power received in this way, it is necessary to pay its price.

Magical spells

A spell is a strict formula for some magical action that must be backed up by the magician's personal power. It is believed that some of them, in order to act, should be pronounced aloud.

So, in order to know how to become a magician in real life, you need to be able to use spells. In principle, it is not difficult. You just need to pronounce the formula and direct your willpower. However, to the spell itself, so that it works, sometimes additional attributes are needed. For example, a combination of some herbs or other magical items.

Useful tips for the magician

So, we told how to become a magician, useful tips for beginners were also given. As is clear from the above, magic is more than just waving a wand. The main thing is the strength of the human spirit . Therefore, whatever kind of magic you do not want to master, you should follow some rules:

  • discipline;
  • Firm will;
  • Should periodically observe posts;
  • Constant training;
  • Improvement;
  • Search for new knowledge.

Applying all this in practice, you can become a great magician.

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