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How does Direct (Yandex) work? How to work with "Yandex.Direct": instruction

According to statistics, the system "Yandex" serves more than 50% of searches of users of the Russian-language Internet. This giant corporation today is no longer just a search engine, it is a whole marketing complex for promoting sites on the open spaces of the Runet. That's why web professionals and owners of their own resources should be able to work with Yandex.Direct, the main tool for SEO promotion and contextual advertising on the Web. In this article you will find a detailed description of how "Direct" ("Yandex") works, what functions it provides and how to connect them step-by-step.

Why choose Yandex.Direct?

So, if the reasons: "Yandex" - the most global search engine in Russia and CIS countries "- not enough, here are a few more arguments to promote your resource through such contextual advertising. We will discuss how "Direct" ("Yandex") works:

  • Your ad is shown only to the interested person, which means that there is much more chance of getting a real buyer;
  • Using the service of contextual advertising, you from the first days will detect the influx of visitors;
  • Target spending of funds - you spend money on advertising only on user transitions (click), which means you can count the statistics - how effective is the advertisement placed through Yandex.Direct;
  • The possibility of a narrow focus of advertising - you can place the ad in search for a specific criterion, for example, geographic - "repair phones in Samara";
  • Ads are published only on quality, proven resources;
  • "Yandex" saves you time, so an advertising campaign can be launched within an hour and promptly change it if necessary.

The advantages are obvious. And now we learn how to work with Yandex.Direct - the instruction, tells about the connection of contextual advertising, setting up a retargeting, creating an auction and summarizing the advertising campaign using web analytics.

How to create an advertising campaign in Direct?

The first step on the way to promoting a resource is to register an account. We enter in the search line "Yandex" - "Direct", go to the first link and click "Register." Here you enter all the necessary data, specify the country and choose the "Professional version" of "Yandex.Direct".

To create an advertising campaign, go to the appropriate tab, select a start and end date, specify contacts for communication. If you require a tight georeferencing, select the appropriate field in the "Refine" menu. Also, we indicate negative keywords, that is, those queries that you will not be reflected in to exclude non-targeted traffic and inefficient spending of the budget for clicks.

Determine the site

Specify the campaign budget and select the sites where the ad should appear. How does "Direct" ("Yandex") work in this case? If you are a seller of complex medical equipment, and do not tick the line "Do not take into account user preferences," your users will see users of different resources, regardless of whether they need a line for the pharmaceutical plant or not. You also need to advertise only interested users, for example, from thematic medical sites, so in this case, you need to take into account the preferences of users. Accordingly, you must check the box next to the required line.

And vice versa. For example, you are a pizza seller. It is very difficult to find a thematic resource for your advertising, because everyone pies on the pizza - both visitors to the medical forum and people who are looking for movies online. Therefore, in the line "Do not take into account the preferences of users" in this case, the mark is not recommended.

There are more in-depth settings, for example, stopping ads when the site is idle, odds for mobile phone users, unwanted areas and addresses wherever you want to see your ad. After that, go directly to its creation.

How to create an ad?

Those who understand how the contextual advertising "Yandex.Direct" does not need to explain how to correctly compose an advertisement. But if you are a beginner, you need to know how to pick up key phrases and what negative keywords are for.

A keyword or phrase is what the user is looking for in the search bar. How to find them? Everything is simple: you do not need to show limitless imagination and sit with a large notepad in your hand, remembering synonyms - just go to Wordstat "Yandex", enter what you offer, and choose the most suitable ones from the list.

Negative keywords help to eliminate unnecessary requests, so as not to waste the advertising budget. For example, if you sell pizza without delivery to your home, then your negative word will be "delivery".

What else? In the ad, you can accurately place a call to action, for example, "Buy Today - Save Tomorrow!", And also words-attractors: "discount, free, share" and the like.

Add contacts and links to sections, this will help increase the clickability.

How do I set up retargeting?

Today, for the qualitative promotion of the site, it is not enough just to create a marketing advertisement and place it on the Internet. In order to really understand how Yandex.Direct works, what its effectiveness is, you need to know about such a concept as retargeting.

Imagine the following situation: through a search or through an ad you found a visitor. He would have purchased the goods, but the user was distracted by something or did not allow the finances, and the person decided that he would call on you at another time, but later forgot about it.

The retargeting function, which can be configured in "Yandex. Direct, allows you to track these users and return them back with the help of pursuing advertising. That is, a person who once visited you on the site, being on any other resource, will be on the spot for advertising from "Yandex" to see your ad.

How do I configure it? Preliminary it is necessary to put the counter of visitors from "Yandex. Metrics. " Next, in the line "Conditions for retargeting" click on the button "Add" and set the condition by which users will be grouped. For example, those who were interested in delivery or a particular product.


In addition to how Yandex.Direct works (advertising), it is also necessary to understand the principle of the operation of the service "Yandex. Analytics". This is necessary in order to assess the effectiveness of the campaign. To this end, Direct has proposed several tools - general, temporary, geographic statistics, in which you can see the number of clicks, impressions and refusals, index-citation, the average cost of advertising, the total budget expenditure. With the help of Yandex. Metrics "can not only track how many users came to the site, but what they did there, what material was viewed, how long and with what result. You can also use external statistics systems - Open Stat and Live Internet.


The last question remains - how much does such advertising and promotion cost? This will help us answer the question: "What is the auction" Yandex. Direct, "how does this system work and who sets prices?"

The auction is the auction of advertisers, the results of which set the price per click in currency. It is determined for each of the types of advertising - special placement, dynamic and guaranteed impressions. Thus, the established cost is mutually beneficial for both the advertiser and the company "Yandex".

Thus, we analyzed how "Direct" ("Yandex") works, how to set up its most important functions and how the price of the click is formed. Successful conversions!

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