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How does beef differ from veal? What is the difference?

The most preferred meat for dietary nutrition is veal. Recipes of dietary foods from this product are much more common than dishes from beef. In fact, this meat is beef, only it was obtained from a younger person. So, what is the difference between veal and beef? We will try to find out.

What is better than veal beef?

How does beef differ from veal? The difference is that the latter is less fat than the first, but the protein, which is much more useful for the body, more. If a hundred grams of beef meat contains fifteen grams of pure protein, then in calf meat, this figure is more by five grams. In this case, the fat in the beef on the average (here everything again depends on which part of the carcass was cut off a piece) contains thirty grams, in veal, this figure does not exceed seven per hundred grams. It is worth noting that the low content of fat in the product, in the case of meat, is not only a plus, but a minus. So, meat with a low fat content is much more difficult to cook. In particular, you need more time and special conditions. With improper cooking, veal becomes stiff. In addition, it contains more water than beef, which again complicates the process of making this tender meat.

Useful properties of veal and beef

How does beef differ from veal? What is more useful? If you carefully study the differences of one kind of meat from another, it becomes obvious the difference in the content of useful elements. And veal is more useful for the human body product.

In calf meat, there are more microelements that are necessary for the body, such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium. But beef is more rich in elements such as selenium, zinc, fluoride, iron and calcium.

Both types of meat contain in their composition vitamins of group B. These compounds are necessary for the full functioning of the body, in particular the cardiovascular system. In calf meat, vitamins such as B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 are contained in large quantities. There are more such compounds in veal than in beef. Also there is a vitamin PP. If we talk about beef, then it is ahead of the content of vitamins B12 and E.

Contraindications to the use of veal

Both veal and beef are quite high in cholesterol. One hundred grammes contain about eighty milligrams of this compound, which again must be taken into account when choosing this product for your diet. Contain a high percentage of cholesterol.

Benefits of veal compared to beef

Preferring veal, it is necessary to understand that it is more watery, as a result of which a piece of such meat can significantly lose its volume during heat treatment. However, it is more useful for the body. This product is also better absorbed, so it is suitable even for cooking children's dishes and people who have some problems with the assimilation of food, especially protein.

Often veal is advised to eat people suffering from hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, urolithiasis, diabetes and anemia, and all thanks to the high content of protein and low - fat and cholesterol. To facilitate the assimilation of the product, you can consume it simultaneously with cabbage. It contains a large amount of fiber, which is necessary for the digestive system.

Contraindications to beef consumption

How does beef differ from veal? Does it have any contraindications? Veal has no special contraindications, except, perhaps, when people are advised not to consume meat in general, and serious cardiovascular diseases. But the list of contraindications to the consumption of beef is much greater.

Beef is a large number of purine compounds. When they are digested in the body, a large amount of uric acid is released, so it is not recommended to eat people who have problems with blood vessels and a patient with osteochondrosis. For the same reason, consumption of beef should be limited to people with a propensity to develop cardiovascular diseases, joint diseases and gout.

In addition, it should be said that the meat of an adult can contain toxic compounds and other substances harmful to human health. So excessive consumption of this product can lead to kidney and liver problems. In order to minimize the damage from beef, it is necessary to drain the water several times during cooking. But the excessive consumption of fried meat can lead not only to a set of excess weight, but also to the appearance of malignant formations.

Advantages of beef

However, despite all the harm, beef contains in its composition vitamin B12, which is necessary for the cardiovascular system and for blood, in a larger volume than veal, since this vitamin accumulates in tissues during the life of the animal.

How to visually distinguish veal from beef

Veal is the meat of young cattle, the age of which varies from two weeks to three months. A semi-annual animal can not be the source of this product. As the calf is still milky, its meat also has a characteristic smell and taste. It is for this that many people appreciate this kind of meat.

Beef is the meat of an adult animal or older than three months. The fact is that after reaching the age of three months, calves begin to switch to another, vegetable ration, as a result of which the meat of such individuals begins to acquire the smell and taste of young beef.

It should be noted that beef itself is divided into a large number of varieties. The taste of the young bull's meat, of course, will differ markedly from the meat of a cow that has reached five years of age. In general, the meat of a young bull is much more water, but fat is less. In addition, the product characteristics are affected by the breed of the animal. The meat obtained from the animal is the meat of the meat.

What is beef visually different from veal? And that, and other meat can be distinguished by the size of pieces and color. Veal is sold in relatively small pieces. The fact is that the average weight of the calf varies from sixty to eighty kilograms. Half-year-old calves can be from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and eighty kilograms. The most large individuals of cattle of meat breed can quite reach ton.

What is the difference between veal and beef? Photo of both meat is presented to your attention in the article. As you can see, it's quite difficult to distinguish it from the image. The color of the cut of quality beef is light red, with heat treatment it should not lose its volume and weight. However, to be fair, it must be said that the color of beef can range from a bright shade of red to almost brown. In this case, this can be an indication of the freshness of the product. The brighter it is, the less time has passed since the cut. The age of the animal, in turn, can be determined by the layers of fat. If they are separated from the meat by a film, then the animal was already old.

High-quality veal has a high density of tissues. The color of the pieces should be light pink. The lighter the shade, the younger the calf. The color of fat in veal is only white. Yellow fat is found only in the meat of an adult.

In addition to all this, veal should not have a lot of tendons that appear during the growth of the animal.

How to distinguish veal from beef in cooked form

How does beef differ from veal? What is the difference in the prepared form? Firstly, the meat of the calf is more tender, it has no interlayers and tendons. Secondly, it smells like milk. Beef - stiffer and dark meat. Fat layers in the preparation of veal practically does not remain.

It is worth saying that often the low quality of the original products can mask spices and sauces. So it's better to order a dish without them or separately from them.

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