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How to eat lychee. What are useful lychee: useful properties and contraindications. Lychee - what is and how it is grown

An outlandish fruit called "litchi", more like a toy, is little known in Russia. Most people do not even know about its existence. The history of the origin of this fruit roots goes back to antiquity. It is known that the first mention of the plant appeared before our era.

During his existence, as soon as he was called: "the eye of the dragon," "paradise grapes," "the fruit of love," "Chinese cherry." In Russia, the berry does not enjoy such a demand, but in vain. Litchi fruit - what is it and what does it eat? Today's article will be devoted to this fruitful and very useful plant.

Where does it come from?

Immediately say that this is a very tall tropical tree, reaching 30 meters in height. Its fruits are egg-shaped with a pimply skin of a bright red hue not more than 3.5 cm in diameter. The flesh of the berry is very soft, of a jelly-like consistency of cream or white color, beneath it lies a large brown seed. The taste is pleasant, reminiscent of cherries - sweet and sour and refreshing.

Cultivated larch fruit mainly on the subtropical continents: in South America, China, Southeast Asia, Japan and Africa. It is exported all over the world. Exotic fruit is very profitable, because it is valued not only for its high taste qualities, but also for its beneficial properties. Due to long-term storage problems with transportation does not arise.

How to grow?

With a strong desire, you can grow this beautiful plant at home. Just remember that the tree is very demanding for humidity, air temperature and lighting. To the plant began to bear fruit, it is necessary to adhere to all the rules. For cultivation, you can use the litchi seed, which should not be stored for more than two days.

Initially, young seedlings grow very fast, but after the seedlings have reached 20 cm, a slowdown is observed - for about several years. Watering the plant as the soil dries up, it also requires regular foliar top dressing. In the period of intensive flowering it is necessary to closely monitor the temperature of the air - it should not fall below +15 ° C. It is advisable to place the pot on the west side.

What are useful lychee: properties and caloric value

It should be noted that the berry is a dietary product - 100 grams account for only 70 calories. Therefore, it can be safely eaten by anyone who adheres to the principles of proper and low-calorie nutrition. Distinctive features of overseas fruit - a rich biochemical composition and useful properties that exert a curative effect on the body.

The berries contain a whole complex of B, E, C, H, K vitamins. In particular, they contain trace elements: potassium, sodium, fluorine, iodine, chlorine, iron, manganese, selenium, sulfur and others. All these substances are necessary for the proper functioning of our body and vital functions. The lychee fruit contains many complex carbohydrates, water, dietary fiber, proteins and a minimum amount of fat. Also in it there is sugar from 6 to 14% - it all depends on the region of growth and variety.

The main advantage of the berries is the content in the composition of nicotinic acid. Thanks to medicinal properties, it is widely used in cooking and folk medicine. Do you know how to eat lychee? You can use it both fresh and cooked. Pulp is often used as a filling for the preparation of confectionery, but more on this later.

Application for medicinal purposes

Inhabitants of the Celestial Empire regard lychees with deep respect and affection. "Chinese plum", in their opinion, is able to create real miracles and get rid of serious ailments - tested by practice. With daily eating, you can lower cholesterol, normalize the cardiovascular system and restore memory.

It is recommended as an aphrodisiac, as the fruit perfectly stimulates the libido and increases the potency. In addition, the fruits have a mild laxative effect, so they are shown to eat people suffering from chronic constipation. And thanks to the water content, berries perfectly quench thirst and relieve intestinal disorders.

Nutritionists are advised to use the "Chinese plum" during the diet, as it will fill the body with useful vitamins and will not add weight. Traditional healers with the help of decoctions (from the rind of fruit) treated gastritis, anemia, diabetes, peptic ulcer, pancreas and pathological processes in the kidneys. Also, decoctions and infusions were used as a diuretic and tonic.

In China, for example, mixed fruit pulp with lemongrass, medicinal herbs and used the resulting mixture for therapeutic purposes with malignant formations. In the eastern countries it was used for liver, kidney, lung, tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis. Healing properties are preserved even in a dried and canned condition. Therefore, the question of how to eat litchi, should not arise. Many doctors recommend that it be included in the menu of young children.

Harm fruit

Excessive eating can cause allergies. The optimal daily dosage should not exceed one hundred grams. Fruits are not recommended to eat at the same time with other fruits, as this will provoke gas formation and bloating. According to the Chinese healers, lychee intensifies the "internal fire", ie, when overeating a person may experience nausea, unpleasant sensations in the throat, fever and migraine. For the restoration of vital energy it is recommended to exclude berries from the diet for a couple of days and to eat dishes only in a cold state. Now let's talk about how to eat litchi.

Application in Cooking

Exotic fruits are harmoniously combined with any sorts of meat and fish delicacies, also they are served with fresh salads and pates. As a filling for pancakes, pies and pies used pulp - that's how to eat lychee in China. In addition, they are added to sweet desserts, ice cream and even spirits (wine and champagne). We will describe a few tasty and useful recipes.

Elegant cupcake with lychee

The composition of the dish includes lychee berries in the amount of three hundred grams. To prepare a creamy mass you will need: butter (one hundred grams), two eggs, one lemon and sugar to taste. Vanillin will also be required.

Cooking cream: squeeze out the lemon juice, and peel grate. In a separate bowl, whip eggs with sugar and butter in a lavish foam. Mix with zest and lemon juice. Mix the mixture in a water bath, without stirring until the consistency becomes thick and uniform. Lay small peeled and cut lychees into small molds. Pour them a creamy mass. We send in the oven for a maximum of 15 minutes at 180 o C.

Scherbet with lime and lychee

Ingredients: a kilogram of tropical berries, half a liter of pineapple juice, four limes, a plate of gelatin and a glass of sugar.

For about ten minutes, soak gelatin in cold water. During this time, we clean fruits, remove seeds from them and cut them into small cubes. Preheat the juice of lime, add sugar with gelatin and pineapple juice. We pour out the forms and put them in the freezer for an hour. A refreshing, light and delicious dessert is ready.

We told you, as there are lychees. The fruit adds to any dish a pleasant sourness and a certain piquancy.

How to choose the right fruit?

The season of ripening of berries begins in July-August, at this time they can be safely bought. Although not only in the summer they are put up for sale - on the shelves of stores they lie year-round. To not inadvertently buy a damaged product, you need to learn how to choose it. Carefully inspect the skin of the fruit, its color and texture. Fresh product should be without flaws, dents and damages, bright red color.

Dark peel indicates the stale product. The place near the stalk with a fresh berries does not have white spots and mold. Before buying, shake the fruit: a rotten fruit of sounds does not emit. Pay attention to the fragrance: the ripe lychee has a tart sweetish smell, fresh aroma of the rose. In the off-season it is recommended to buy canned berries.

How to save?

Fruits are recommended to be kept in the refrigerator, so they will last for a week. And it is best to freeze them after cleaning them. To increase the shelf life, you can dry the berries, and then cook the compotes and add to the flour products.

Now, dear readers, you know what lychees eat, what these berries are and where they grow. The usefulness of overseas fruits is a common truth and an old axiom that does not require confirmation. They are able to normalize metabolic processes, improve overall health and cope with various pathologies.

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