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How can I ask money from rich people via the Internet? Tips and Tricks

Recently, the Network users began to think about how to ask money from rich people via the Internet. And in general virtual begging began to gain momentum. It occurs everywhere and everywhere. But why? Why do people do this? Does someone really give money? Read more about Internet begging. In fact, this is not such a dubious business. The main thing is to know how to approach these or other people. If you know how to influence the public, you can make a good profit in this way.

Causes of begging

Why ask rich people for money from the Internet? To be honest, no one will give you an accurate answer. After all, money is needed by everyone and always. Someone - for entertainment, some - for life. And someone needs expensive treatment. Where to get help? In the Internet! There are so many people here!

In general, if you are thinking, why ask rich people for money from the Internet, you can say this: to get additional profit. And how to distribute it, the beggar will decide on his own. Usually such activity is called fraud. People so earn their living and entertainment. Rarely will anyone on the World Wide Web beg for need.

Study of history

To ask money from rich people via the Internet (and not only from the rich), you will have to give weighty arguments why you need them. It is common to lie here most often. After all, rarely anyone will go begging on the World Wide Web for want.

So to succeed in our today's lesson, you should work out your heart-rending story. It serves as a kind of announcement. Remember: the more touching the story, the better. The main thing is to put pressure on pity. Or to indicate really valid reasons justifying virtual begging.

Most often, for success, you can talk about illnesses (fictitious), and also that you need to help the child. Or to say that you are a single young mother with a newborn (or even several), whose husband is a tyrant. You have nowhere to run, and you are asking for material support from users. The latter option is extremely successful. In general, your story is the basis. Once it is ready, you can move on.


How to ask money from rich people via the Internet? In general, virtual begging is prevalent mainly in a variety of urban forums and in communities.

In principle, the option is not bad. Especially if you just want someone to breed for money. It does not matter if it's a rich person or a regular user. Formed and thought out a story just post it on the forum and wait.

Please note: you will have to communicate with users. Therefore, the story should be well worked out by you. At the end of it, leave the requisites for transferring money. Preferably electronic wallet. And then wait. Some trusting people will immediately help and transfer to you a certain amount of money.

Through the site

A more costly and successful scenario is begging with your own website. To ask money from rich people through the Internet it is possible, having created a personal page. On it you must publish your fictitious story.

The only negative here - many may require proof from you. For example, photos with the conclusion of doctors, just images from a personal family archive, copies or photos of any documents.

For a modern user, all this is not a problem: a little work skills in Photoshop, and it's done. It is advisable to create a separate album with proofs in advance on the site. Try to set the situation real. Otherwise, fraud will be solved. And in Russia this is a criminal offense!


Why and how to ask money from rich people via the Internet? The last modern way of begging is the use of specialized services. Surprisingly, on the Internet more and more often separate stanitsas are created on which it is possible to write to rich people and ask them for money. The principle of operation is simple: fill in the fields in a special form of sending (it should write information about yourself, email, sometimes the phone, as well as your history) and send the text for processing. After a while you will be contacted by sponsors for transferring money.

Just remember: most of these services require the introduction of a mobile phone. Or symbolic payment for services. These are explicit signs of deception. After sending the completed form, most likely, from your mobile phone they will simply write money.

Remember: to ask money from rich people via the Internet, you need a truthful (or even real) story explaining the motive for your begging. And the evidence. Also leave the contact to contact you. The more of them, the better. Only strongly for virtual help do not expect: even if you do not lie, you may be considered a fraudster!

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