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How are mites pulled out in dogs? Every animal lover should know this

You found a tick on your pet's body, and there's no way to go to the vet at the moment? Then try to save the dog from him at home. Before taking any action, carefully prepare both theoretically and practically. Information on the topic " How to pull a tick from dogs" we will give you in this article. Study it carefully, arm yourself with the necessary materials and then get down to business.

Necessary security measures

Before you start the procedure for removing the parasite from your pet's body, take care of your own safety. These insects are carriers of such infectious diseases as encephalitis, borreliosis, tick-borne typhus. When you contact them, you can get infected with these ailments. Therefore, work in gloves and gauze bandage. Sometimes it happens that during the procedure the head of the parasite breaks off or the corpse bursts, and then drops of blood can get into the person's face and hands. Usually they show great care and accuracy during the removal of mites from dogs.

The procedure for disposal of an animal from a tick: method # 1

Spread the wool around the parasite, cover it with a ring. Inside the ring, drip any vegetable oil or cologne, gasoline, alcohol. This will block the access of oxygen to the insect, and after a while (minutes 15-20), he himself will pull the proboscis out of the body of the dog. How to remove the tick from the dog now? Take tweezers, pick up the parasite by the head (not behind the trunk) and gently pull it out of the wound. Try not to tear off the head and proboscis. If the proboscis still holds, then pull it out with twisting movements counter-clockwise. It happens that from the first time the tick does not come out, then repeat the treatment with oil or alcohol-containing liquid and do all the manipulations again.

How to pull a tick from dogs using a thread: method number 2

If you do not have tweezers at hand, use a thread. Wrap it around the proboscis of the parasite and slowly, gently, scrolling the ends in different directions, pull it out. This procedure must be done very carefully, so as not to crush the tick. Otherwise, it may happen that the insect is ruptured, and the infection carried by it will fall into the blood of the animal. It is desirable that you during the extraction of the parasite had an assistant who would hold and soothe the dog.

Rehabilitation period

How to remove ticks from a dog, you already know. But to save an animal from a parasite is only half the job. It is also necessary to properly treat the wound in order to prevent infection. After removing the mite, treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. You can impose a clean bandage. Do not let the dog for a day after the procedure ride in the grass, swim in an open pond.

Do not throw the mite away, but at the first opportunity, take it to the laboratory. They will tell you exactly if you have extracted the whole insect completely or not. Also, an analysis will be made for the presence of infections.

In the next few days, observe the behavior of the dog: loss of appetite, lethargy, fever, yellowing of the proteins may indicate that the infection still penetrated the animal's body. In this case, you must immediately contact the veterinary clinic.

Now you know how to pull a tick from dogs so as not to hurt yourself and help a four-legged friend. Regular inspection of the pet after walking is a guarantee that you will not have to get rid of these insect parasites. Let your pet be healthy!

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