HealthDiseases and Conditions

Herniated lumbar spine

One of the most vulnerable parts of the spine is the lower back. On it lies the maximum load when performing even the simplest movements. Therefore, the hernia of the spine of the lumbar region is so common. In addition, the features of the anatomical structure of this part of the spinal column make it sensitive to injuries, sharp and excessive loads, long lifting of heavy objects, and the implementation of monotonous and monotonous movements.

The most common cause of intervertebral hernia, one of the most serious lesions of the human musculoskeletal system, is the pathological complication of osteochondrosis. If you have a hernia of the spine of the lumbar region, the symptoms can be troubling the following: numbness of the legs and loss of their sensitivity, pain in the buttock, lower back, leg, lower leg, muscle lethargy, weakness. Changes in gait, pain with tilts and bends, lumbago can also be a consequence of a hernia of the spinal column. All of the above signs of a problem in the lumbar region of the back appear in different positions of the body: when a person lies, stands, walks, sits.

Intervertebral hernia of the spine of the lumbar region can occur in a person of any age - from 18 to 60 years. The cause can be as osteochondrosis, and uncomfortable shoes, heavy physical work, falls, hypothermia, trauma, infectious diseases, sudden movements, etc. People begin to worry about sharp pains in the lower back when coughing, sneezing, sudden movements, numbness in the groin. It becomes difficult to stand on your toes or heels, bend or unbend your toes.

The special danger of the hernia of the spine of the lumbar region is for the female body. With this disease, blood circulation in the small pelvis is broken, which can lead to female diseases. It is quite possible to violate the menstrual cycle and the occurrence of problems with urination and defecation.

In addition to common problems, characteristic for both sexes, men still have a decreased potency.

Some people, even if the symptoms are worried for a long time, continue to ignore the visit to the doctor. But if you do not pay attention to the first signs of the disease, you can easily wait and the last stage of such a serious disease, as a hernia of the spine of the lumbar region - paralysis of the lower extremities. Therefore, with back pain, put aside all the cases (they will wait) and go to the doctor. With the correct diagnosis and timely full treatment, recovery will not be long in coming.

The doctor will advise you to definitely refuse to wear shoes with high heels. With this disease you need to get rid of the bad habit of stooping, more often to take breaks in work (if it's sitting on you).

If you have a spinal hernia, the consequences can be irreversible. Only in time the treatment begun will save you from disability and disability. Medical methods of healing (injections, tablets, exercise therapy, etc.), along with non-traditional methods (apitherapy, hirudotherapy, kinesiology, acupuncture) will put anyone on their feet if he adheres to the recommendations of specialists.

Of the simplest and available forms of prophylaxis of hernia of the spine - constant high motor activity, balanced nutrition, proper posture, swimming. The latter is generally a favorite kind of sport of the spine, as when swimming movements there is relaxation of all the muscles of the back. Regular exercises in the pool will allow you to get rid of many problems in the spinal column. In addition to swimming, there are gyms, where you can select special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back. Only by taking care of one's health, constantly paying attention to the physical form of the organism, a person will be able to live fruitfully a long life full of pleasant events.

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