
Heating of greenhouses: heating methods

Heating greenhouses is a very important issue not only for producers of agricultural products, but also for ordinary summer residents. After all, they grow not only vegetables, the price of which grows almost every day, but also some ornamental plants, flowers, greens, which is in demand in the winter.

In spring and summer, due to natural conditions, in a greenhouse it is possible to grow different crops and without additional heat. And in autumn and winter, when both the soil and the air are cold, it is very difficult to grow something. Therefore, heating is necessary for greenhouses.

There are many different ways of heating them. One of the most common and cheap is the solar heating of the greenhouse. It does not require the cost of purchasing equipment. All you need is just to put the greenhouse in the place where most of the sun's rays, and then cover it with ordinary glass. The disadvantage of such heating is that it can not be used in the cold season, as at night the temperature of air and ground decreases, which adversely affects the life activity of greenhouse plants.

Most often used electrical equipment for greenhouses. These are the most popular heaters, the kinds of which are very many. Here are some of them:

  • Convectors are devices that are equipped with heating coils. Teplitsana heated almost evenly, but their minus - the ground is not heated enough.
  • Heaters are heat fans that can easily be carried. Compact and inexpensive. Warm air is distributed evenly. Most heaters have a thermostat, with which you can adjust the necessary microclimate. Its disadvantage is that it dries air.
  • Cable heating is an inexpensive and very effective way of warming. On the perimeter of beds are laid in the ground cable and tape of a certain power. The main thing before assembling is to choose a temperature mode so that the root system does not overheat.
  • Water heating refers to electrical, as the water in the system is heated by electricians. This is a universal option, capable of simultaneously heating both air and ground. It has also disadvantages: installation should be done only by qualified specialists, high cost, it is necessary to constantly monitor the operation of the device.

Also use a professional system - air heating of greenhouses. It is installed when assembling the structure in the base of the foundation, on the supporting structure, and only specialists should monitor it. Warm air is distributed in the middle and upper part of the space of the greenhouse so that there are no burns to the plants.

There is also gas heating with the help of gas heaters. Their principle of operation is that carbon dioxide and steam, which plants need, enter the air to heat the greenhouse. But there can be a burning of air, and burning out of oxygen. For plants this is very dangerous. To avoid this, ventilation systems and air supply systems must work.

If the premises of the greenhouse are small, it is not necessary to connect to the general network of the gas pipeline, you can take a couple of gas cylinders, which will last for a long time.

Not a bad and very economical option - furnace heating of greenhouses. Here you can use different energy sources: wood, coal, gas. Minus such a system - the walls of the furnace are very hot. There are safer options, for example, heating greenhouses boolean. Such a boiler does not overheat, and its system is reliable and easy to operate.

When installing equipment for greenhouses, it is important to follow the safety rules and follow the instructions.

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