
Healthy oral cavity: how to remove dental calculi in the home

The tartar can appear in everyone regardless of age, whether it be a child or an adult. Its appearance is directly related to what kind of food a person uses, as well as how often he brushes his teeth and what kind of paste he uses. Many argue that it is simply impossible to remove tartar at home, supposedly only the dentist can do it. But this is not so, and today we will be convinced of this, dispelling all doubts.

How to remove dental calculi at home?

So, if you encounter such an unpleasant problem, you see a yellow coating on your teeth, then do not get upset. This is quite normal and no one is immune from this. There are several national recipes, which we now consider in detail.

1st method

Prepare a cleaning solution. To do this, carefully mix a half teaspoon of soda, 3 drops of lemon juice and 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide. The solution is ready, now it can be applied to the teeth. Take the cotton swab and gently distribute the solution on the entire surface, while avoiding getting on the gums. The effect you will notice immediately, but to fix the result, this procedure is better to repeat several times. Peroxide of hydrogen perfectly maintains the whiteness of teeth. To do this, it is necessary to make a special solution on its basis and rinse the oral cavity daily . To do this, dilute a half teaspoon of peroxide in 50 ml of warm water.

2nd method

Eating black radish. Still our grandmothers used this method. To do this, it is necessary to clean the radish, cut into pieces and chew. Swallowing it is not necessary, most importantly, the juice released during chewing, as long as possible stayed in your mouth. To achieve the best result, use this method several times a day (preferably after eating). After the procedure, you should immediately brush your teeth with ordinary toothpaste. After all, the radish does not remove the stone, but only softens it. And then the toothbrush is easy to remove. If you do not want to chew this vegetable, then you can just put the pieces to your teeth and wait 10 minutes. The effect will be the same! Well, now you know how to remove dental calculi at home without harm to your health.

3rd method

In any pharmacy, toothpaste that removes tartar is now being sold. But this method is effective only at the initial stage of deposit formation. It is mainly used in cases where previously tartar was removed by one of the above methods, but eventually began to form again. The main thing is to have time to stop this at the initial stage. When cleaning is necessary I can only use a brush with a stiff bristle, it is she who is able to destroy the stone. But do it carefully, so as not to damage the gums and tooth enamel.

What should be done for prevention?

So, how to remove dental calculi at home, you already know. But it is better to prevent its appearance. And for this it is necessary to abandon the consumption of sweet and fatty, as little as possible to drink coffee and fizzy drinks. These are all those products, because of which this harmful attack can form. Smoking and alcohol also contribute to the formation of deposits. Therefore, having abandoned bad habits, you can save yourself from thinking about how to remove dental calculi at home.

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