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"Harmonization" connection: examples. Management, alignment, contiguity: examples

One of the grammatical links in the Russian language is agreement. Examples of such a connection are found in speech very often. Along with management and contiguity, coordination is part of its three main varieties.

Between what parts of speech is the coordination established?

Nouns or other parts of speech that act as nouns (pronouns, participles, adjectives, substantivized words) are combined with complete participles, ordinal and collective numerals, adjectives, pronouns (relative, possessive, indicative, determinative, negative and indefinite) and nouns - Coordinated applications by the "reconciliation" link. Examples: sad face, singing artist, some excitement.

What is the agreement?

Often the main and dependent words are in the sentence in the same gender, number and case. This connection is called "reconciliation". Exception examples are also found here. Such is the application, when the dependent word can not be combined in the genus (mum-doctor). Thus, if at least some grammemes are repeated in both the dependent and the main word, then this is an agreement.

Sample sentences

1. The smiling girl's eyes were slyly screwed up.

  • Were at whom? The girl has a feminine noun, singular, in the genitive case, singular.
  • At the girl what? Laughing - participle of the feminine gender, singular, in the genitive case, singular.

2. On both pens the baby had bracelets.

  • Were on what? On the handles - a feminine noun, plural, in the genitive case.
  • How many handles ? Both - the collective numeral of the feminine gender, the plural, in the genitive case.

3. What joy shone her face!

  • Lighter than? Joy - noun feminine, singular, in the instrumental.
  • What joy ? Which is the relative pronoun of the feminine gender, singular, in the instrumental case.

In the speech very often there is an agreement. Examples of phrases: in a laughing girl (full communion with a noun), on both pens (collective numeral with a noun), what joy (relative pronoun with a noun), on the ninth floor (ordinal numeral with a noun), she is mine (personal pronoun with a possessive pronoun ), Not waiting for them (personal pronoun with full communion).

Features of combinations of quantitative numerals with nouns

This is a rather interesting case. After all, quantitative numerals can be the main word, if they stand in nominative or accusative cases - there is a connection "management". And in oblique cases they become dependent words, consistent with the noun in the genus, number and case. Thus, with the help of the same word combination, it is possible to demonstrate two types of communication - "reconciliation", "management". Examples:

1. Seven hours later Tatyana reached the place where a picnic was organized.

  • Seven (the main word in the nominative) of what? Hours (genitive case) - management.

2. Seven hours later, Tatiana got to the place where a picnic was organized.

  • Than? Hours (the main word in the plural in the instrumental case) how many? Family (numerical numerals in the plural in the instrumental case) - agreement.

The difference in the harmonization of participles, adjectives and substantivized nouns

Considering the agreement with the examples, some particularly considerate people notice some peculiarities. Not expressed spelling, nevertheless when parsing they play a role. They will help to understand these differences, where the coordination is traced, examples:

1. The on-duty student, neat and tidy, reported on the group's readiness for classes.

  • The student on duty is an agreement, where the main word is "student", and the dependent student is "on duty" - is an adjective.

2. The duty, neat and tidy, reported on the group's readiness for classes.

  • "Duty" in this case acts as a substantivized noun, having the form of an adjective, is the main word. Dependent on his words will be "neat" and "smart", which are consistent with it.

Three kinds of word association in sentences

The combination of words in Russian is subject to special rules. You should know that the main links in the word combinations are three: management, coordination, adjacency. Examples of them in Russian speech are used quite widely. It is thanks to them that words are combined in sentences. They will help to examine and disassemble all three types of communication - control, coordination, adjacency - examples, taken from one sentence: "A fluffy kitten with a striped tail was fun playing with an orange ball".


This kind of grammatical connection presupposes the presence of the main word that controls the dependent. Often the main role of the verb is a verb that requires the noun to have a certain case form. In this example, from the verb "played" to the word "tangle" you can ask the question "what?". This question requires the formulation of the dependent noun in the instrumental case. Consequently, these words are connected by management. Even if you replace the noun with a "tangle" with another, for example, "butterfly" or "ball," it will also stand in the instrumental case. In the role of dependent words may also be numerals (both), pronouns (them), substantivized words (homeless). The main words can also be various parts of speech. For example: verbs, nouns (fingers of what? Arms), participles (running on what? By waves), quantitative numerals in the nominative or accusative case (two persons ? ), Adverbs (joyfully from what? From the thought), adjectives (funny from What? From understanding).


This type of connection is based not on the grammatical meaning of the dependent word, but only on the lexical. Adhere to the main unchanged parts of speech, such as an adverb, an infinitive, a giver, an unchanging adjective or standing in simple comparative form, uncoordinated applications (nouns). In the example about the kitten is also used contiguity in the phrase "played fun" (played as " fun").

Harmonization. Puns and jokes

Also present in this sentence is the linkage agreement. Examples: a fluffy kitten, with a striped tail, an orange tangle. Here we can see the complete coordination of the main and dependent words in the genus, number and case. However, there are cases of incomplete agreement. This is the case when the connection is observed between nouns, where the dependent is an application and is expressed by a noun of a different kind. For example, the spouse-director, the sister-administrator and the like. Interesting are the cases when the play of words occurs. A pun is based on the fact that the form of the masculine noun in the accusative and in the genitive coincides in pronunciation and writing. Therefore, it is quite easy to turn coordination into management, because of what the whole sense of what is said changes.

  1. He could not help but love his doctor's wife.

    The nouns "spouse" and "doctor" in this text are linked by agreement, and both stand in the accusative case.

  2. He could not help but love the doctor's wife.

    In this context, only the word "spouse" stands in the accusative case. Asking the question " whose wife ? Physician "it can be established that the dependent is in the genitive case, which the main word requires. Hence, the connection is called control. By writing all the words coincide, only in the second case there is no hyphen, which changes not only the grammatical categories of the dependent word, but also the very meaning of what has been said.

The Russian language is very interesting and multifaceted. Subtle nuances of using word associations should be carefully studied and understood so as not to fall into a silly situation.

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