Education, Languages
Grammatical categories of the verb in the Russian language. The verb in the sentence
When we want to describe a particular action or state of an object in oral speech, we use the verb. The verb in the sentence describes the action of the object, its presence in a certain state, and the like.
In the most general sense, the verb denotes different processes and includes several particular values, such as the description of the action ( draw ), the description of the state ( change ), the description of the process ( flow ), and the description of the movement ( escape ).
The verb has permanent and inconsistent grammatical categories. Constant grammatical features (categories) are actually verbal. These include the type, pledge, recoverability and transitivity. Also related to them, in addition to the categories described, conjugation of the verb. Its type does not change and is permanent. Unstable grammatical categories are not present in all forms of verbs. These include time, number, face, inclination and gender.
In this material, we will discuss in more detail what verb is, the grammatical categories of the verb and the types of verbs.
Inclination category
This category indicates the relationship between the action of the verb-predicate and reality. Verbs are used in three different forms of inclination.
An incriminating inclination indicates the reality of the process or action that has already occurred, is ongoing or will occur in the future. Verbs in this mood change in time (respectively - past, present and future).
The conditional mood is also called the subjunctive. Indicates an unrealistic action that could occur. Actually, the particle "would" is most often indicated. For example, "they would live in Moscow", "run in the stadium."
Imperative inclination is the most complex inclination, indicating prescriptions, requests, desires and motivations for action. Such verbs are formed with the help of the modified endings of present verbs (for imperfective verbs) and the future (for verbs of the perfect kind). Thus, the imperative verbs in the form of the second person in the singular are distinguished by the ending "-i". For example, "run, hurry."
Category of the species
A species is a category of a verb that expresses a way of performing an action with an indication of when and for how long a process is in progress. The sight is perfect and imperfect. From the name it is clear that verbs of the perfect kind show a certain limit of action: either the initial or the final (but it must be completed or started at some time period). Verbs of imperfect type show the process without indicating its completeness. The type and the time of the verb are connected. Verbs of imperfect species are divided into three different forms of time (the category of time is more detailed below): the past, the present and the future. For example, I go, I go, I 'll go . Verbs of a perfect kind have two periods: the future and the past.
Time category
Time is the category of the verb, indicating the relationship between the action to be performed and the specific moment of speech. From the above material, we understand that there are three categories of time.
- The present - the process takes place when it is discussed.
- The past - the process was completed before it was discussed.
- The future is a process that will begin after the end of the speech process.
Forms of the present and future tense are not formed from the point of view of grammar, while the past tense forms are formed with the suffix "-l-" or zero suffix. For example, " run away " or " took ".
Transitivity category
This category of the verb shows the relation of the process to a particular object. Depending on whether verbs have the ability to go to an object or not, they are divided into two types: transitive verbs and intransitive verbs.
- Transitive verbs show an action that is sent to an object. They, in turn, are divided into: verbs of creation (create, solder, sew ), verbs of destruction (to break, break ), verbs of perception ( to look, feel ), verbs of expression of emotions (to inspire, attract) , and verbs of thoughts and sayings (To comprehend, to express).
- Intransitive verbs indicate an action that can not go to a specific object. They include verbs that show the process of the existence of a person (to be, to be located ), showing the process of movement (to run, fly ), showing someone's state (to be ill, angry, to sleep) , verbs indicating a certain type of activity ( teaching, Cook) , pointing to the way of performing certain actions (to boast, to make manners) , and finally, verbs indicating visual and auditory perception (to glow, ring).
Security category
The verb category indicating the relationship between the subject performing the process (action), the process itself and the object, in relation to which the process (action) is performed. There are two types of collateral: valid and passive. A valid pledge - indicates that the subject calls a subject that directly relates to an action or process. In the case of a passive voice, the situation is different. In this case, the subject refers to the object over which this or that action is performed by other objects or people. The passive voice can be expressed with the help of postfixes or special passive forms of the sacrament.
Recovery category
These verbs belong to the category of intransitive verbs. This is a separate form, expressed with the help of the postfix "-ya". Similar verbs are divided into separate categories of recurrence. Depending on their meaning, these verbs are divided into the following 4 groups:
- With the public-returnable - used when the action of the person is directed at himself. For example, "brush, prepare, resent".
- Mutually-reciprocal - are used when describing the actions of two persons aimed at each other. Both persons in this case are both a subject and an object. For example, "see, communicate."
- Indirectly-recurrent - are used when the action is committed by a person in their own interests. For example, "to gather (collect things for themselves), to be determined (to decide something for oneself)." Can be re-designed into a design using "for yourself".
- Peer - reviewed - used when a certain process is tied to the state of the subject. For example, "worry, wonder, get angry."
Face category
This category, which refers to the relationship of the person performing the process, and the one who speaks about it. There are three forms of the verb's face in the sentence.
- The verb of the first person in the singular is used when the process is performed by the speaker himself.
- The verb of the first person in the plural is used when the process is performed by the speaker and by someone else.
- Verbs of the second person in the singular are used when the process is performed by another subject.
- In the second person in the plural is used when the process is performed by the interlocutor and someone else.
- A third person in the singular is used when the process is performed by someone who does not participate in the dialogue at all.
- The third person of the plural is used when the process is performed by someone who does not participate in the dialogue, and by other persons outside the specific dialogue.
Category of gender and number
The category of the genus of the verb refers to a noun or pronoun, namely to their genus. If the person / subject does not have a specific form of the genus, then the genus of the possible subject is used. For example, " would come tomorrow," "the snow fell . "
The number category shows the number of persons performing the process. For example, "the pupils were playing", "the pupil was playing" . This category applies to all personal verb forms.
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