
Ginofort preparation: reviews and instructions for use

The drug "Gynofort" refers to antifungal agents. Active ingredient is butoconazole nitrate (imidazole derivative), which has a fungicidal effect on fungi of candida, microsporia, trichophyton, epidermophyton.

The therapeutic effect of the drug "Ginofort"

Reviews of pharmacists indicate the medical activity of the drug against certain varieties of Gram-positive bacteria. The greatest efficacy of the remedy is observed in the treatment of candidiasis. The action of the drug is due to its properties, which allow to block the biosynthesis of ergosterol in membrane cells of microorganisms and fungi from lanosterol. Due to this, the permeability of cell membranes increases, which eventually leads to the destruction of fungal cells. At the same time, lipid metabolism in bacteria cells is disrupted.

Pharmacokinetics of Ginofort

Reviews and studies show that butoconazole nitrate is gradually adsorbed into the mucosa, and with intravaginal single use, the bactericidal and fungicidal effect of this element remains active for a further five days. The drug is released from the body within a week. When the cream is used once, butoconazole nitrate is adsorbed in an amount of 1.7 percent of the applied dose. The highest concentration of active substance in the blood of the patient and its metabolites occurs after 13 hours from the time of the last use. Due to the intensive metabolism, the drug is rapidly released, the bulk of butoconazole comes out with urine.

Special comments and indications for the use of the drug "Ginofort"

The doctors' comments and the summary to the medicine are recommended to use the remedy for candidiasis of the vagina.

After the course of therapy, the remaining clinical signs of infection serve as a reason for the appointment of a repeated laboratory microbiological study to identify the pathogen and confirm the diagnosis. When a patient has irritations of the vaginal mucosa or painful sensations, treatment should be stopped immediately.

Due to the fact that mineral oil is included in the composition of the medicine , which can damage rubber and latex products, such as intravaginal diaphragms and condoms, then within three days after using the drug should refrain from using these methods of contraception.

Begin treatment during lactation and pregnancy with the drug "Gynofort" (cream), reviews of experts recommend only in cases where the potential benefit of the drug exceeds the risk of negative consequences for the child or the fetus.

Contraindications and side effects of Ginofort

Reviews of doctors and the instruction prohibit the use of cream with increased sensitivity of the patient to the components of the drug.

Negative effects with the use of the remedy are rare and occur in the form of itching, burning, swelling and soreness of the vaginal mucosa, and spasms in the lower part of the pelvis may also be observed.

Overdosage with intravaginal use of the medication occurs rarely. When the product is taken orally (accidentally), gastric lavage should be performed.

There are analogues at the Ginofort cream, the list of which is quite large. You can note such drugs as Ginezol, Candide (gel), Lomexin, Metronidazole, Travogen, Funginal.

The recommended adult dose is five grams of cream. In this amount, about 100 mg of the active ingredient is contained. Before the procedure, no special preparation of the vagina is required. The contents of one applicator must be injected one time deep inside, while lying down.

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