
GHA: implications and results

One common cause of infertility is the obstruction of the fallopian tubes. There are several ways to diagnose this condition. However, the most used of them is hysterosalpingography (GHA), the consequences of which are not very pleasant, but quite tolerable.

This study can be performed on different days of the menstrual cycle as directed by the doctor. The night before you can not eat, on the day of research eat and drink. Before the GHA it is necessary to make an enema, empty the bladder and shave off the pubic hair.

GHA, the consequences of which can be minimized by going through the necessary examination before it, is usually performed without anesthesia, however, at the patient's request, mild anesthesia can be used. One week before the test, you need to pass urine and blood tests, make smears from the vagina and cervical canal, check for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis.

One of the most unpleasant, but possible consequences of the GHA, is the inflammatory process. Therefore, after the procedure you need to take good care of your health. The temperature, pain and spotting after GHA for more than three days - an occasion to turn to a gynecologist.

Do not conduct a study if there is an inflammatory process in the genital tract or if it has been recently rescheduled. The aggravation of the general disease is a contraindication to the procedure (pyelonephritis, influenza, pneumonia).

Radiocontrast material can cause allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the reaction to the drug used, as a rule, it contains iodine.

In the cycle in which the GHA is performed, the consequences of which can be pleasant, it is necessary to be protected, even if the pregnancy has not been going on for a long time. This is due to the fact that after the study, the likelihood of its onset is significantly increased due to the washing effect.

Contrast substance introduced into the tubes, eliminates small spikes, which before that interfered with the onset of conception. This is indeed an established fact, therefore many women associate with this procedure high hopes.

GHA, the results of which are of great value for finding out the causes of infertility, is conducted in the radiology room on a special chair. After a two-handed examination, a radiopaque substance is injected into the uterus and several images are taken.

This procedure is transferred by patients in different ways. Some note only unpleasant sensations, others complain of sharp soreness. This is most likely due to the threshold of sensitivity, which is individual for each person.

After GHA, slight bleeding is possible, so it is necessary to take a sanitary napkin with you. It usually passes in a couple of hours.

After the study, there are painful sensations resembling the onset of menstruation. Especially they are manifested in a sitting position. Also a slight rise in temperature and a slight pink discharge are possible . These phenomena are the norm in the first few days.

As a result of the GHA, the patient gets pictures on her hands that can be seen if the fallopian tubes are passable, and if not, in which department. In addition, they can diagnose diseases such as endometriosis, tuberculosis of the reproductive system, various pathologies of the uterus (polyps), including congenital (two-horned, saddle-shaped).

It is important to remember that in 20% of cases the GHA gives a false diagnosis about the obstruction of the pipes. This can happen if the woman is long and narrow. Then the contrast medium just does not have time to get into the abdominal cavity.

In addition, because of stress and experience, there may be a spasm of the tubes. Therefore, it is necessary to drink a no-shpa before the test. To prevent the inflammatory process, a doctor can prescribe a course of suppositories, tampons or antibiotics.

Thus, the GHA, the consequences of which can be both negative (inflammation) and positive (long-awaited pregnancy), is a very informative procedure. It allows you to check the patency of the fallopian tubes, to detect their pathology, as well as the uterus. To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the gynecologist.

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