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Gamma radiation. What do we know about this phenomenon?

Few of us know about such a phenomenon as gamma radiation, since not all of us possess special knowledge in the field of physics.

So, gamma radiation is one of the many varieties of electromagnetic radiation. The wavelength in this case is very small, like its wave properties. The history of the discovery of this radiation began more than a hundred years ago. In 1900, this phenomenon was discovered by one of the French physicists - Paul Willard. And this discovery happened quite accidentally as a result of radium research.

Gamma rays in their own way are unique and have a number of unique properties. The main processes occur when this radiation penetrates certain types of substances. The photoelectric effect of such rays is based on the appearance of electrons in matter upon exposure to light. The photo effect in this case can be either external or internal.

Compton effect is another property of gamma radiation, which also deserves special study. In this case, an increase in the electromagnetic wave is noted. This phenomenon was discovered in the distant 1923.

The formation of pairs is another unique property of gamma rays. As a result of a certain reaction, a quantum located at the very center of the nucleus becomes both an electron and a positron. But thanks to the nuclear effect of such radiation, the gamma-ray quantum is able to knock out nucleons from the nucleus. Gamma radiation in the modern world is used in many different areas of human life. Gamma-defectoscopy, for example, allows you to monitor the operation of many devices and products with the help of special beams. Preservation of many products also occurs with the use of similar rays. In this case, the shelf life of the blanks is significantly increased, and there are no harmful consequences at all.

With the use of gamma radiation, sterilization of equipment, medical instruments, and certain food products is carried out. In medicine, such rays also found their application. With the help of radiation therapy, for example, a large number of varieties of malignant tumors are treated. Agree, this is an important contribution to the development of medicine, as this is not possible for every drug. When using gamma rays, we observe quite good results in the treatment of cancer and, moreover, at a relatively low cost. And in general, gamma rays due to their specific properties could significantly advance the medicine forward.

Gamma-logging is an integral part of geology. Using various sources of gamma radiation, geologists measure the depth of the wells. But the gamma altimeter is a way to accurately determine the distance traveled by space vehicles. That is, the radiation data have found an active application in cosmonautics, in geology, in medicine, and in production. But for all these positive moments, gamma radiation has some drawbacks, which you must be aware of. Due to prolonged exposure to quanta, for example, a dangerous disease arises - radiation sickness. The most serious consequence of such irradiation is various kinds of oncological diseases.

In addition, these rays also have a teratogenic effect on the body, resulting in a mutation and embryonic disruption of normal development. In fact, gamma radiation is the same radiation that we have heard a lot about, but of which we know little. Although with proper use in small doses using modern equipment, radiation data can significantly alleviate and improve the vital activity of a person!

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