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Dishwasher detergent: how to choose, instructions for use
Modern appliances for the care of dishes perfectly clean the dirt of any plates and mugs, but even such devices need regular cleaning. Therefore, the means for cleaning the dishwasher is already an essential element in the kitchen for many people. After all, it can precisely and reliably remove the device from dust, scum and fat, thereby preparing it for a new approach of dirty dishes.
Contamination of the dishwasher
The dishwasher cleaning agent can remove grease and other contaminants that remain after washing dishes. Unfortunately, not all contaminants can be neutralized with hot water or powder, since they settle on the bottom of the working compartment in layers, eventually it becomes more difficult to clean them.
Most often they stay on the screen filters, thus not allowing the dishwasher to function in normal mode. As a rule, professionals in such cases recommend removing filters and cleaning, but it is rather difficult to do. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the dishwasher from grease or scale with special means, the components of which perform cleaning functions. If you regularly use tablets and liquids, then the device will not break down suddenly and create inconvenience to the owner.
Manual or automatic cleaning
Most people believe that if they bought a dishwasher cleaning product and then performed all the actions in accordance with the instructions, then nothing more will be required of them. In fact, this is a misconception. One single automatic cleaning does not save the machine from all the accumulated pollution for a long time. Whatever one may say, and hands still have to work. In the case of the accumulation of a huge amount of fat or scale, experts advise starting to clean up by hand.
Disassemble the dishwasher completely completely not necessary, because you only need to clean some of its elements:
- The garbage filter;
- Rubber seals;
- Impeller nozzles;
- Baskets for dishes;
- Internal walls.
Clearing the above items, you can immediately start to automatically clean. To do this, it is necessary to make a simple machine cleaning, but, instead of dishwashing detergent, pour the dishwasher cleaner.
Only in the case of compliance with all the above rules, the machine will serve its owner for a long time and reliably.
The best store products
After understanding the algorithm of cleaning, it is necessary to consider the existing means and choose the most suitable ones from them. When choosing a lot of parameters, for example, the tool should not only deal with fat and scum, but also with mold. In addition, the liquid should not harm the most vulnerable component of the machine.
Below are the best liquids and tablets for cleaning dishwashers. It is thanks to them that you can save time, but at the same time get a good result.
Calgonit Fusion Power
The average cost is 300 rubles per bottle (250 ml). Sufficiently effective and guaranteed safe means from Finish for dishwashers. It provides for two whole layers of high-quality cleaning liquid:
- Blue - fights with fat and provides disinfection, and also copes with mold instantly;
- Transparent - excellent cope only with scum.
The manufacturer claims that the dishwasher must be cleaned from scum or grease using this product only once a month. It is suitable for all machines and does not harm their elements, so the integrity and safety of the dishwasher will not have to worry.
Finish Rinse
Another tool from Finish for dishwashers, whose price is about 400 rubles for 60 ml. This is a powerful and concentrated product that is produced in Japan. The main feature is the creation of a special chemical layer on the parts of the machine, which prevents the settling of various pollutants. Its components quickly and qualitatively destroy the scum and prevent it from forming in the near future.
This fluid can be used every 3-4 months. But it should be taken into account that it is forbidden to use it to clean the dishwasher, which does not have a special dispenser intended for rinsing.
Uniplus for dishwashers is packaged in designer packs in the amount of 250 ml, and its average price is 500 rubles per bottle. This tool is produced by German professionals and has a lot of advantages. It is able to clean the dishwasher completely from any kind of dirt, while creating a protective film, which is an excellent obstacle for the reproduction of mold and bacteria.
Carry out cleaning every two months, but before that, you must carry out manual cleaning.
Rinnova Lavastoviglie
The Italian product costs about 500 rubles per bottle (280 ml). It is intended exclusively for complex cleaning and removes greasy, as well as calcareous deposits. In addition, Rinnova Lavastoviglie copes with mold and bacteria no worse than the above means. It should not be used more than once in 3 months.
The means of production of Belarus has an average cost of 200 rubles per bottle (250 ml). It is designed specifically for the destruction of frozen fat, as well as the removal of lime scale. Use it once a month, but it is forbidden to use any other cleaning products with it.
Other means
In addition to funds that have a lot of positive feedback and great popularity in many countries, there are other options that give no less effect. Among their diversity, each person will be able to choose the best, suitable in terms of functions and costs:
- Powder "Indesit" (about 600 rubles) - is intended only for removal of scale, has no aroma;
- Salt "De La Marc" (about 200 rubles) - cleans both dishes and dishwasher, softens water, destroys dried mud;
- Liquid Grean Clean (250-400 rubles) - removes scale on the basis of organic acids, due to this means, significantly reduces the costs of detergent, as well as electricity;
- Liquid "Filtero" (500-600 rubles) - has a wider range of possibilities: it effectively eliminates scale and dried food residues, cleans machine filters and injectors from the largest layers of fat, destroys unpleasant odors;
- Degreaser "Electrolux" (about 300 rubles) - has no aroma, but very well destroys all fat;
- Liquid "Doctor Backman" (300-400 rubles) - a German remedy designed to eliminate bad odors, provides removal of plaque, bacteria and germs, fresh scent of dishes and hygienic cleanliness of the machine, especially good for machines that are constantly in working condition .
Home remedies
If there is no possibility or desire to purchase a special product in the store, then there are other cleaning methods. Without too much effort, you can prepare yourself a solution that, like chemicals, will clean the dishwasher of grease and other dirt.
Cleaning the dishwasher with vinegar and soda always comes first, as it is the most effective. It is produced in a few simple steps and takes not much time, although you will have to spend a little more effort than using a purchased cleaner.
From the dishwasher, you need to remove the garbage filter, mesh, as well as the basket, where all the dishes are stacked, and the impeller. All these details should be omitted in a solution of vinegar and soda (2 tablespoons per glass of vinegar). Then you need to rinse all the elements with a soapy solution and put them back into the machine. At the very bottom, it is necessary to place a glass with vinegar (9%), and carefully treat all other details with soda. After that, you need to run the longest cycle of washing (always at a temperature of 60 degrees) and wait for the perfect cleanliness.
The second place is the method of cleaning with powder borax. It takes almost as much time as the previous method, but the effect will be slightly worse. First you need to clean the machine by hand, and then carefully and gently wash the walls and all parts with a damp sponge. Next, you need to take the main component - the powder borer. It should cover all the internal elements of the dishwasher, and then, just like in the previous method, start a long cycle and wait for the result.
Another effective solution is soda and natural hydrogen peroxide. This will require a whole batch of baking soda, which must be mixed with a bottle of peroxide. If desired, you can add a couple dozen drops of any essential oil, in order to create a greater effect and a pleasant aroma. This mixture should be thoroughly mixed and placed in the freezer for about 20-30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to get the resulting mass and to form a lump of not too large a size. It must be put in the basket for the dishes, and then restart the longest cycle at the maximum temperature.
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