
Food soda: application in medicine. Baking soda: benefits and harms, uses in folk medicine

Baking soda is available in the kitchen of every landlady. This is an indispensable product not only in cooking, but also an indispensable attribute of a home medicine chest. Soda, which correctly should be called sodium bicarbonate, was invented in the 18th century by the French scientist Leblanc.

Huge range of applications

It was found that ordinary baking soda is completely non-toxic. It is no accident that many housewives use this product instead of a baking powder. In addition, soda can perfectly be used as a detergent. Powder easily laundered glass, as well as dishes from fat. It is especially important to use soda for washing children's dishes. Such a method of purification will be much safer than using an agent with an unknown chemical composition.

Washing dishes and cleaning the house is not the only area in which soda is used. Use in medicine of this product is also very common. The healing properties of sodium hydrogencarbonate amaze with its diversity.

Soda for stomach upset

There is no such person who does not like to eat delicious dishes. The result of overeating may be heartburn or an unpleasant eructation. Immediately escape to the pharmacy is not necessary. Bodily soda will come to the rescue. The benefits and harms of the use in folk medicine of this product have long been studied. There are practically no contraindications. With caution, you should self-medicate only those people who suffer from a stomach ulcer.

An excruciating heartburn, which indicates an increased acidity of the stomach, is easily neutralized by a teaspoon of soda, diluted with boiled water. That the effect was swept up more likely, to drink a solution follows a volley. Excellent taste of such a drink is no different. In addition to the glass can add a little lemon juice. Thus, drinking soda will be more pleasant, and the drink will be more useful.

With a cold

The use of baking soda in folk medicine in many people is associated with a cold. This is not accidental. Sodium bicarbonate can remove the unpleasant cold symptoms as quickly as possible , such as sore throat and cough. In this case the remedy is absolutely harmless. It can also be used to treat babies under the age of one year.

You should prepare a solution consisting of one teaspoon of soda and a glass of boiled water. The solution is not internally accepted. It is used for rinsing. The more often the procedure is performed, the sooner the unpleasant cold symptoms will go away. In the first days of the disease, it is recommended to gargle with a soda every hour.

This method is also effective in the treatment of angina. Baking soda is a panacea for many troubles. But you can not use the product without medication. Effectively, angina can be treated only with antibiotics. Soda allows you to quickly remove the purulent coating on the tonsils and reduce pain. Complex treatment can give positive results in a few days. An even better effect can be achieved if several drops of iodine are added to the soda solution.

Treatment of furunculosis

Another disease that is associated with hypothermia is furunculosis. It is manifested by the appearance on the soft tissues of purulent inflammation. The disease is treated with antibiotics and ointments. As an additional tool can also be used and soda food. Its use in medicine is quite extensive.

On purulent inflammation an application of aloe and soda is applied. Initially, the boiling water is poured over with sodium hydrogen carbonate powder. From above put a previously cut sheet of scarlet. So contribute to the rapid maturation of the boil. After the release of purulent contents, the wound quickly heals.

Baking soda for skin tenderness

In the summer, many suffer from dry skin and on the heels on the heels. If timely not to attach importance to the problem, painful cracks may appear, which heal long enough. The use of baking soda in folk medicine is associated not only with the healing of wounds, but also with the moistening of the skin. In order to get rid of old calluses, you should make a bath with soda. One liter of water will be enough for one tablespoon of powder. Just 15 minutes is enough to make the skin softer. Further, the corn is easily removed by means of a pumice stone or a blade.

You can also make the same baths for the whole body. But using soda as a self-moisturizing agent is impossible. After water procedures should always use a special cream. And that the bath was more fragrant, it can add a little shampoo and lemon juice.

With light burns

Everyone had to get burned in the kitchen one day. A small burn helps eliminate soda. In the kitchen, this product is always at hand. In this case, the use of baking soda as a medicine can significantly save money.

To eliminate pain, you need to prepare a strong soda solution. One teaspoon of powder is diluted with a glass of boiled water. In the solution, moisten the cotton swab and apply it to the burn site. The lotion should be kept until the pain subsides.

Effective is also an ointment, made from vegetable oil and soda. Ointment is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting solution is applied to the affected area. A few minutes later the pain goes away, but the blisters do not appear. Burn wounds after procedures using soda heal very quickly.

Soda for a beautiful smile

Not everyone can boast of a white smile today. Many are ready to give any money, so that the smile shines with health. After all, the bleaching procedure is not a cheap pleasure. Food will save baking soda. In medicine, the use of powder is very diverse. Dentistry is also an exception.

Teeth whitening with soda is an effective procedure. But to conduct it is with great care. Incorrect use of the method can lead to damage to the tooth enamel. On the toothbrush, apply a little powder and gently brush your teeth. Too intensively clean the oral cavity with soda should not be. Small particles of powder can scratch the gum and cause inflammation.

Many people welcome the use of baking soda in traditional medicine. Recipes of solutions for the treatment of periostitis are very popular. The principle is almost the same as with angina. Sodium bicarbonate helps to quickly ripen the focus of infection. The pus comes out, and the wound heals. But to be treated only only soda at purulent inflammations it is impossible. To avoid complications, it is necessary to contact the dentist.

Against insect bites

Summer bites of insects can not be avoided. There are many remedies that protect against annoying mosquitoes and ticks. But how to be, if for a number of reasons to get a cream against insects failed. And here comes to the rescue food soda. The use in medicine of this product is not associated with scaring off insects, but with getting rid of the consequences of bites. Soda can remove the swelling and reduce itching.

It will also heal serious bites from gadflies and bees. Soda is diluted with a small amount of water, which gives you a smooth-like consistency. The solution is applied to the affected area. Then the swollen place is covered with a plantain and bandages. Remove the bandage after 12 hours.

Soda in Beauty Recipes

Few people know that sodium bicarbonate perfectly fights toxins and free radicals. It is no accident that the product has been widely used in cosmetics since ancient times. Cleansing the body with soda makes the skin more beautiful and young. And in the fight against acne, powder is generally indispensable.

Excellent effect has a cleansing mask with oatmeal. A teaspoon of crushed oatmeal is taken with a teaspoon of soda. A small amount of the resulting mixture is diluted with water. The mask should be applied to the face for 20-25 minutes. Daily use of it will make the face beautiful and radiant, and inflammation on the skin will be forgotten.

The use of baking soda in folk medicine is also associated with the treatment of fungal diseases. It is often possible to meet people who do not take off their shoes during the summer heat. This may be due to fungal infection of the toes. The problem is easily eliminated with the help of soda lotions. Daily use of this method can reduce the manifestation of the fungus within a week.


Despite the huge number of positive properties of the product, cleansing the body with soda has also its contraindications. Sodium bicarbonate can cause irritation on the skin during prolonged exposure. Therefore, any compresses using soda should not be kept for more than a day.

Has a harmful effect of soda on the cornea of the eyes. Masks for the face should be done with great care. For medical or cosmetic purposes only food soda can be used. The use of an industrial variant in medicine is not foreseen!

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