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Flexible cornices for curtains. Installation instructions for eaves

Many of us know the term "cornice". Most of all, it is associated with a horizontal crossbar, installed above the window opening, on which curtains hang curtains. Although there are several meanings for the given word, including a ledge above the door, a protrusion on the wall that serves as a support for the roof and protection against rain, a ledge on the slope of the mountains, etc.

In the apartment, the cornice is peculiar not only to perform an aesthetic function, harmoniously fitting into the interior, but to be reliable and functional. One of the last original novelties, which appeared in the conditions of progress and actively flooded the construction industry market, were flexible curtain rods. Thanks to them, the interior composition of the room gets a certain uncommonness and at the same time completeness and harmony. This non-standard solution allows you to emphasize the exquisite taste of the owners and create comfort and coziness in the house.

Cornices are flexible: what does the novelty look like?

This tape, in other words, rail design. It is based on a flexible polymer or aluminum, usually a 6-meter profile (found in other dimensional variations), which is easily cut across to the required size, and if necessary, is increased with the help of special inserts. Most options bend easily by hand. Some require the use of a special machine.

Due to the color scheme, the plastic is suitable for any interior of the room, and the aluminum cornice can emphasize the strict style of the room. The system is manufactured with an external or internal rail. The internal rail allows you to completely hide the structure behind the drapery. External - more flexible. To ensure the so-called wave-like or semicircular bending, as a rule, the tape profiles are single-row.

Method of fastening flexible cornices

Despite the flexibility, the vertical stiffness inherent in the profile will not allow the structures to fall along with the curtains, the main thing is to fix it securely. You can hang the cornice both to the wall and to the ceiling with the help of modern calipers, brackets. They are made and fastened in such a way that they do not prevent the sliders from sliding freely across the bar. Brackets are able to adjust the 8-25-centimeter spacing from the wall. If there are ceiling PVC coverings in the room, the wall cornices (the suspended ceilings are not intended for any fixation) is the best way out of the situation. By the way, if the room is small, "stuffy", the ceiling cornice system will visually make the room higher.

How to fasten the curtains on the ledge?

A fastening element, by means of which the curtains are fixed and silently move along the cornice, are multifunctional two-tier hooks-runners with a wheel. They are inserted into the grooves on the profile. Lower hooks are designed for tulle, curtains, they are with a low comb. Top - with a high comb, they are lambrequared, completely cover the cornice, and also are needed for heavier curtains, curtains. They are able to withstand the daily load when opening the curtains and their sufficient weight, since they are reliably protected from kink.

To ensure that runners do not jump out of the profile, manufacturers take care of the delivery of special flat-topped plugs, including spare ones, which are also equipped with hooks for lambrequins and fixing the edges of the curtains. The longer the cornice, the more stubs, hooks, runners attached to it. If necessary, all accessories can be purchased separately.

Method of managing curtains on flexible cornices

According to the method of controlling the curtains, the flexible cornices for curtains are divided into mechanical curtains (the curtains move apart and are retracted manually or with a cord) and electrically driven, remotely controlled. One of the varieties of flexible wall or ceiling cornice are lifting structures for massive curtains.

Qualitative characteristics of flexible eaves: advantages and disadvantages

Flexible cornices for curtains characterize:

- strength (aluminum cornices withstand weight up to 50 kg);

- elasticity, the ability to take a curved (wave and zigzag, spiral), whether angular or smooth position, configuration at different radii (plastic withstands folds to 90º); You can aesthetically hide the protruding pipes, gently bypass all the projections due to the horizontal flexibility of the profile;

- ease of installation (do not spend money on the call of the master, fasteners can be carried out independently, getting pleasure from work);

- practical and easy to use (drapery is easily hung and freely slides on the guides);

- the ability to build a multi-layer composition of curtains and tulle, installing, if necessary, a pair of designs;

- unpretentiousness in care (easily cleaned of dust);

- compactness during transportation (many models are supplied in small boxes folded into a ring);

- The optimal ratio: price - quality, however, aluminum structures are somewhat more expensive than plastic ones;

As for the shortcomings, the flexible cornice aluminum, as well as the polymer one, will soon hide the shortcomings in the interior, so this is a real find for designers and people with taste. Although customer testimonials indicate that the aluminum profile withstands more weight than the plastic profile.


Sufficiently relevant flexible cornices for curtains are in rooms of non-standard sizes with high and wide window openings. It's not just about urban and suburban housing, but also about public places, office space. They allow you to decorate arched, angled, inclined, asymmetric windows, balconies and loggias of a semicircular, oval shape, zonate the space of children's and living rooms, install screens and canopies in bedrooms, are applicable in bathrooms.

In addition, in recent years it has become uncommon in the construction of modern studio apartments to resort to the quite popular at the beginning of the last century bay window - the protruding part from the wall plane. The window windows require an individual decorative approach, which consists in the use of unusual curtains. And you'll have to start by choosing a cornice structure. For these purposes, flexible curtain rods are suitable. It is also possible to use forged, round, string, baguette systems. For some of them, the articulation of the strips is characteristic, which does not always allow the curtains to move unhindered. The installation of a flexible bay window will lessen the hassle and will look very, very refined.


Among the well-proven domestic and foreign (German, Polish) manufacturers of flexible bay window structures, we can mention: Europlast, Profilplus, Interstil, Uyut. Cornices of these manufacturers reflect modern fashion trends and differ in style and technique of execution. Their bright, high-quality, reliable new products are in demand among buyers.

Preparation of the cornice for installation

To hang the cornice, you do not need any special knowledge, skills and efforts. Complete with a cornice supplied detailed instructions that will facilitate the installation of the product. The standard installation technique involves several preparatory steps. Firstly, it is the selection of the necessary tools (roulette, level, screwdriver or the most common screwdriver, drill, metal hacksaw) can come in handy . Secondly, - the preparation of a safe support (table, chair, stepladder), since the work is usually carried out under the ceiling, higher than the height of the person.

Stages of installation works

The stages of the actual erection of a flexible bay window include:

- Preparation of the strip profile of the appropriate length (if necessary, it is cut into parts, it is possible to adjust the length during the fastening);

- marking the trajectory on the wall or ceiling, on which the cornice will go;

- preparation of holes for calipers, brackets on equal - within half a meter - distance from each other; If the curtains are heavy, you can shorten the distance, and if it is light tulle - you can increase the range to 70 cm;

- threading on the profile of runners;

- fastening of supports, fixation with their help profile (flags of calipers rotate by 90 °);

- fastening from the end part of the profile of the plugs;

- Fastening of curtains and a tulle on hooks.

Flexible cornice (reviews of numerous buyers - a vivid confirmation of this) - an ideal design solution that allows you to show creative imagination and give individuality and zest to the interior.

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