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Fetal development by week

Future moms are probably interested in learning how the development of the fetus lasts for weeks, how the future baby grows and changes. It's really interesting and exciting. Having followed the development of the fetus for weeks, you will be truly surprised how quickly a real miracle is formed from a single cell - a child.

The first week of pregnancy is the period when the fertilized egg goes to the uterus. At this time, the first signs of pregnancy may already appear - drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, mood swings , etc.

In the second week the ovum has already been implanted in the uterus and begins to actively share. Three layers of germ layers are determined , from which very soon organs and tissues will begin to form.

The third week begins the formation of the brain and spinal cord.

At four weeks, the embryo circulates through the blood vessels, forming the umbilical cord. Although the length of the embryo is only four millimeters, but it has the rudiments of hands and feet, digestive organs, kidneys, and liver are formed.

If you observe the development of the fetus by months, then it is safe to say that in the first month, it is most sensitive to infections, the effects of medications, maternal stresses or physical stress. It often happens that a woman does not yet suspect about pregnancy, and the child is already actively forming.

If you are sick early in pregnancy, then try not to take medicine. You are treated with folk remedies - tea with raspberries, milk with honey. Heat the temperature by wiping with vinegar. Drink plenty of fluids. Consult a doctor. The fifth week of pregnancy and the umbilical cord and the placenta are formed completely. Nutrients will now flow to the baby from the mother's blood.

Observe the weekly development of the fetus is becoming more interesting. During the second month of pregnancy, the fetus grows intensively. The future child swims in a liquid that protects it and promotes the beginning of metabolism. At the fifth and sixth week the central nervous system begins to be laid, the digestive system continues to form. The mouth is on the face, the rudiments of the jaws appear. The heart begins to beat. Development of the fetus for a week is very intense, the baby needs a lot of nutrients, so carefully monitor your diet.

Seventh week. The eyes are forming. They are still closed, but a dark pigment is visible through their skin. On the handles and legs are marked fingers. A tiny heart works by shaking blood. Internal organs - intestines, kidneys, lungs, liver and genital organs are almost completely formed. The length of the embryo at the end of the seventh week is 13 millimeters.

On the eighth week the embryo becomes an infant. The face is already formed. Nostrils are visible on the nose, there is a tongue in the mouth. Ears are formed. In the extremities appear joints. Between the fingers while there are membranes. Muscle tissue also develops and already begins to contract. Nerve impulses appear. The child starts to move. Its size so far - with a chicken egg, length - three centimeters, and weight - five grams.

In the third month the future baby becomes more and more like a small man. Although he still does not have hair on his almost transparent head, but the internal organs are practically fully functioning.

The eyes are still closed, but the baby opens its mouth more and more, facial expression develops. Muscles are actively developing. The child moves more and more, clenches his hands in the fists. Nails appear on the fingers. The weight of the child in the third month is up to forty grams, the height is about nine centimeters. By the end of the third month, the formation of arteries, veins and capillaries is completed.

The fourth month the fetus is completely similar to an adult. The milk teeth are laid. The pancreas functions. Hair appears on the head. It must be said that they appear on other parts of the body, but by the time of birth they disappear.

The skin is still very thin and fragile. Ears are in their place, the nails are fully formed. Surprisingly, the heart of the baby at this stage pumps about 23 liters of blood per day. Now the baby moves more and more, it is very comfortable for him to be in the amniotic fluid. Its mass is already 130-140 grams.

By the end of the fifth month the height of the baby is 25 or more centimeters, weight - up to three hundred grams. At this time on the pads of the fingers there is a unique individual pattern. Now mom can feel the movements of the baby.

In the sixth month the child is often actively pushed. His skin brightens. The body weight is about 600 grams, length - 33 centimeters.

In the middle of the seventh month the mass reaches a kilogram. The formation of the cerebral cortex is completed. The child hears sounds, smiles. Hair on the body gradually disappear. Daily gain in weight is 25 grams.

In the eighth month, the lungs are fully formed. Weight is up to 2.5 kilograms, growth is forty centimeters.

In the ninth month the fetus continues to actively gain weight. All organs, tissues and systems function well.

After 37 weeks the child no longer turns in the uterus, because it occupies all of its space. He can only kick. In recent weeks, weight gain is up to 30 grams daily.

After studying the development of the fetus for weeks, you will know that at each specific moment occurs with the baby, the formation of which organs and systems need to be stimulated right now. Do not forget to follow the directions and recommendations of the doctor clearly.

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