
Female diseases: Gardening treatment

For the female body is characterized by a disease, such as gardenelez or bacterial vaginosis . It is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina, changes in microflora. In addition, there are abundant discharge with an unpleasant odor. There are cases when the disease occurs without any symptoms.

From what specifically appears bacterial vaginosis is difficult to say. Most experts are of the opinion that this is due, above all, to the hormonal disorder. The cause may be the use of antibiotics, as well as the presence of an intrauterine device. To conduct the diagnosis it is necessary to determine the acidity in the vagina, to investigate the smear of the mucous membrane. If the examination revealed gardenelosis, treatment, which is based on the destruction of bacteria, the restoration of normal microflora, should be immediate.

Gardens: the main symptoms, signs

Many women may not even suspect that they have a similar disease. Bacterial vaginosis in such cases is found quite accidentally, during the preventive examination. But still the main symptoms of the disease remain:

  • Abundant discharge from the vagina, which can be white or gray;
  • Presence of a specific odor;
  • Periodic itching in the genitals, burning, the presence of discomfort;
  • Frequent urination.

The longer the treatment of gardenesis is absent in women, the more serious are the complications. Difficulties arise during pregnancy, during childbirth. Gardening often causes premature birth. In addition, many other infectious diseases, and even cervical cancer, can develop. Bacterial vaginosis can develop in parallel with diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Gardening and sex life

Gardenelez (bacterial vaginosis) - a purely female disease with a lesion of the mucous membranes of the vagina, so the man does not develop it. However, do not forget that he (the man) is the sexual partner of a woman, so the carrier may well be and the symptoms of the disease can manifest itself in him. So, against a background of bacterial vaginosis a man can get urethritis, accompanied by pain, cuts during urination. Consequently, if the women begin to manifest gardenelosis, in men treatment should be full and mandatory.

Gardening treatment

If the disease is found, then it's time to treat it. Quickly taken measures will help to avoid complications. The goal of the treatment is to destroy the bacteria that cause the disease. Gardening is treated in several ways: using antimicrobial tablets, as well as using vaginal suppositories and gels.

The main drugs, the action of which is directed at Gardenelez treatment, are metrodinazole, clindamycin, metrogyl plus . Many doctors advise using antibacterial pills and local treatment at the same time. For example, you can use metrodinazole and vaginal gel "Metrogil".

As soon as the bacteria are destroyed, the next stage of treatment should be started - the restoration of the microflora. For this, drugs called probiotics are used. They are living bacteria that actively fight harmful bacteria. For example, it can be drugs l ineks, lactobacterin .

If all of the above recommendations are strictly followed by the doctor's instructions, then the disease will successfully recede, the woman's body will recover with complete disappearance of all unpleasant sensations. Gardening treatment will take more than two weeks, so you should be patient and spend maximum time yourself. Thanks to the responsible approach to the solution of this problem, you can get rid of not only from the gardenesis, but also to perform an excellent prophylaxis of more serious diseases.

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