
Electrosleep - what is it? Electrosleep: indications and contraindications, reviews

"Electrosonotherapy", - sounds scary. After all, from the name it is clear that the person during this procedure will be affected by an electric current. However, the fear of this procedure is completely unjustified. Because the body receives a low-frequency current of low power. A person does not suffer any pain or discomfort during such a method of therapy as electrosleep. That this treatment can save a lot of diseases, everyone agrees who has ever gone through this procedure. Let's try to learn more about it.

Electrosleep: what is it

Let's understand. The procedure for the action of low-frequency pulses on the human nervous system is electrosleep. What does this treatment give to man? This electrotherapy normalizes the work of the nervous system, slows it down, which allows you to fall asleep more quickly, restores nervous and trophic disorders.

In 1948, then Soviet scientists, this procedure was developed and assembled devices, with the help of which it was possible to conduct it. A series of apparatuses received the same name with the procedure itself.

Principle of operation

The person connects to the device "Electrosleep". Low-frequency current flows through the eye sockets. Moves along the nerves and vessels of the brain. Current stimulates the central nervous system, the cortex, subcortical formations, the pituitary gland and other parts of the brain.

Mode of filing pulsed currents is rhythmic and monotonous. In general, the procedure is aimed at immersion in the patient's sleep.

Experts agree that natural sleep has the same quality as an electrosleep. That this treatment does not poison the human body is proven. And the procedure is not addictive.

Methods of Electrosleep

For elekrosonoterapii used a specialized device, which has two phases of work.

The first phase - lowering blood pressure, normalizing nervous processes. During this phase of electrosleep, a person relaxes and sinks into sleep.

The second phase, and the last, improves mood, increases efficiency and normalizes vitality.

Electrosleep: indications and contraindications

Questions about this concern many. Naturally, like any therapeutic procedure, the electrosleep has indications and contraindications. They are important to know - it is necessary to make the right decision.

Electrosleep indication to use is as follows:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Restoration of the body.
  • Neuroses.
  • Hypertension.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Vibration disease.
  • Ischemia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Enuresis.
  • Neurodermatitis.

In addition to curing diseases, electrosleep accelerates metabolism, improves coagulability, raises mood. The latter is associated with the launch of the synthesis of endorphins. When the brain stimulates current pulses, the sexual function is normalized, and the cholesterol level in the blood decreases. In addition to all of the above, the electrosleep is used as an antispasmodic. Doctors use it as one of the methods of recovery after traumatic brain injuries. The safety of the procedure is indicated by the fact that it is prescribed to pregnant women, with severe toxemia and to prepare for childbirth. It is worth noting that with the help of electrosleep, there is an opportunity to cure alcohol dependence.

Electrosleep contraindications has these:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Fever.
  • Hysteria.
  • Disturbance of blood circulation.
  • Face skin dermatitis.
  • Inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis and so on).
  • Retinal disinsertion.
  • Myopia.
  • Microinsult.
  • Pigment degeneration of the retina.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Metal objects in the skull.

These are just the main contraindications to the electrosleep procedure. Whether electro sonotherapy is possible, only the specialist decides, after diagnosis, which is carried out individually in each case.

Electrosleep for children

To normalize blood circulation and stability of the central nervous system, children also use electrosleep. Reviews of parents who have had a child through this procedure are extremely positive.

The child receives the appointment for the electric socket from the attending physician. The specialist, in turn, has the right to write out the procedure only on the basis of the overall picture of the disease. Electrosleep for children has been widely used due to the fact that it is more careful than treatment with medicines.

The main indications for the appointment of treatment:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
  • Neurosis.
  • Vegetosovascular dystonia.

How is the procedure performed in children?

All children without exception carry the procedure calmly and easily. For its implementation, the child is placed on a horizontal surface. The top is covered with a light blanket or blanket. A special mask is put on the face. The mask has four sensors, through which current pulses are fed.

Electrosonic therapy phases for children are exactly the same as in adults. During the first phase of the electrosleep, the child relaxes, sleeps, and in some cases a dream is observed. In the second phase, there is a therapeutic effect on the child's body. The procedure lasts for an average of half an hour, for a teenager - about one hour.

At the end of the procedure the child feels a surge of strength, lightness, relaxation. Nausea, dizziness and headaches, which can occur in exceptional cases after the end of the procedure, indicate an inappropriate treatment. After such symptoms, sessions of electro-sonotherapy stop.

Electrosleep - a step towards the superman

In the harsh conditions of life in large cities, a person must always remain healthy, full of energy. But, unfortunately, this is not by many. Caffeine artificially encourages a person, but its properties are still not enough. He only whips up and so drove the body. But the activity, cheerfulness and lightness can only be obtained after a proper rest.

Domestic and foreign scientists during experiments with electrosome found out that it is an excellent substitute for fast rest and restoration of forces. Thus, the indicators of students who passed the procedure became much higher. They became more cheerful and purposeful.

Before running to sign up for the procedure, it is obligatory to consult and diagnose the therapist and the physiotherapist. This is due to the need to identify the possible presence of contraindications in humans.

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