ComputersComputer games

"Felsteel annihilator": description and methods of obtaining the mount

In the "World of Warcraft" there is a tendency among players to collect vehicles. Each user wants to get all available mounts, and this number must necessarily include the annihilator from the corrupted steel. Get it with the release of a new add-on "Legion" has become much more difficult, but still it can be done.


The vehicle "Felted Annihilator" resembles a mechanized robot, which is controlled by a character sitting at the top. In the description of the subject it is said that one day the distraught blacksmith collected all the knowledge of the Iron Horde and embodied them in this mechanism. At the same time, he used the filth of the Burning Legion, which is observed in the green color of the robot. The appearance resembles a huge, armored Orc from the Hellfire Citadel. On the right side, a cannon of defile is made, and on the left there is a big fist.

Way to get a mount

To add to the collection "Annihilator from the fouled steel, you need to go to the continent called Draenor. Only players of level 90 or higher can enter there. Next, you should head to the center of the "Tanaan Jungle", where the Hellfire Citadel is located. The entrance to the raid will be on the right side of the bottom. You can see it from a height. The vehicle is issued for the victory over the last boss - Archimonde. Only in the epoch-making mode is the "Annihilator of fouled steel". How to get it, know all the players that passed this location. It is enough to know the tactics of fighting with all the bosses, including the final one. To conduct a raid, it is recommended to do this by a group of up to ten people of the 110th level. With this composition, there will be no problems with sweeping.

Other useful information

In the add-on "Warlords of Draenor" the chance that when the raid is cleared by the Hellfire Citadel, the group will drop "Annihilator from the fouled steel", it was one hundred percent. With the release of the new Legion add-on, the need to go through the location for the outfit disappeared, so the chance of the mount dropping significantly decreased. At the time of the current patch, it is slightly more than eight percent. It falls to the random player of the group. First, the system determines whether it fell from the boss, and then determines the future owner. This process is secretive, and the players will only be able to see who it was from the group that was lucky enough to become the owner of one of the most beautiful transport models.

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