
Favorable day for planting pepper on seedlings

The source of vitamins, an indispensable component of summer salads, an acute seasoning, without which we do not represent any meat dish, a medicinal product that helps with radiculitis and colds - and this is not a complete list of properties inherent in such plants as pepper.

Short story

It is believed that pepper on the American continent has been grown for more than 6 thousand years. Even at the dawn of farming the Aztec tribes, worshiping the gods of the Moon and the Sun, knew the secrets of its cultivation - they chose an auspicious day for planting pepper, focusing on the location of the heavenly bodies. Aztec pepper was called beautiful, later spread all over the world, the word "chile," and was used as a seasoning for fresh food.

In Europe, pepper came in the XV century, where it was brought by the Spanish conquistadors. In Russia, this remarkable plant was recognized at the beginning of the 17th century, but it was only a century and a half later that it was planted as a garden crop.

Now we can not imagine how we could manage without this vegetable. The fruits of pepper are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine.

Scientists claim that every person in order to maintain his health in perfect condition should eat up to 7 kg of sweet pepper and up to 0.5 kg of pepper spicy. No matter how great at first glance the figure of 0.5 kg seemed, fans of spicy cuisine manage to eat hot pepper 3 times more - up to 1.5 kg per year.

Biological features of pepper

The annual planting of pepper seeds on seedlings has become so commonplace that many truck farmers do not even know that pepper is a long-term culture. If you excavate and transplant in the fall, and then create all the necessary conditions, the pepper will continue to develop and will bear fruit for several years.

During the vegetation period , 15 to 100 bisexual flowers appear in pepper. This plant can self-pollinate. But often it is cross-pollinated by insects. Therefore, in order to taste the fruit correspond to its varietal qualities, it is not recommended to plant its bitter and sweet varieties at too close range.

Varied in shape and color paprika fruits can reach 11 cm in diameter and weigh more than 200 g. In elite varieties, the thickness of the fetal walls is more than 10 mm.

Seeds of pepper can maintain their germination for 2-3 years.

Seed preparation

To improve the germination of seeds, they are placed in a 5% solution of common salt. The surplus seeds are thrown away, and the drowned are taken for planting.

The selected seeds are well washed and placed in a damp cloth for further germination. A few days later the seeds should be pierced, and they can be planted in prepared containers with earth mixture.

Favorable days for planting pepper

It is believed that the growing Moon gives the seed material a boost to the growth of the green mass. Given this fact, plant seeds of pepper for obtaining seedlings, you need, choosing the most favorable day. To plant pepper, as well as any other aboveground plant, whose harvest will be harvested "from the tops", and not "from roots", we select the day when the Moon will be in the growth phase. It is necessary to guess so that by that moment the necessary seed material has already been prepared.

Not exception to the general rule is pepper. Planting in February pepper seedlings is recommended mainly for the southern regions, where spring comes relatively early. In such regions, many truck farmers are engaged in growing seedlings not on the windowsills, but constructing a kind of mini-guy over the garden.

In other, more northern regions, the pepper planting time for seedlings is shifted by several weeks and is calculated in such a way that about 60 days have elapsed from the moment of planting the seeds to the moment of planting the grown seedlings in the open ground. If the seedlings are shortened in temporary containers, then it can stretch out a great deal and suffer a long time during transplantation into the open ground, which will reduce the yield and maturity of the crop as a whole.

Thus, the planting of pepper seeds on seedlings for the middle belt falls on the period from February 25 and ends around 5 March.

Many truck farmers, in order not to miss the desired time of planting, prefer to use the ready "Seeding calendar".

Specific recommendations about the timing of planting peppers on seedlings in a strictly defined day can not be given. On the same day of the year, the moon can be in both the growing and the decreasing phase.

If you remember (and the numerous observations of experienced truck farmers completely confirm this), that favorable days for planting pepper seeds come with the growing Moon, then the "Seeding Calendar" will no longer be needed, and the harvest will be an order of magnitude higher than that of neighbors who do not adhere to the data Recommendations.

How to plant a seed

Planting sweet peppers for seedlings takes place in the following sequence. In the prepared containers, fill the soil mixture, mark the aisles at least 6 cm wide, wet the soil and spread pepper seeds 3 cm apart. From above the container is covered with a centimeter layer of earth mixture consisting of humus and light turf ground, and watered again. Before emergence, the container is covered with a glass or a polyethylene film and kept at a temperature ranging from 25-30 ° C.

After the appearance of sprouts, the seedlings are kept for about 4 days at a temperature lower than about 15 °. After this period, the air temperature in the room with seedlings must be raised again to + 18-25 ° C in the daytime and to + 13 ° C at night.

Watering the seedlings is carried out every 6 days, as soon as the top layer of the soil dries slightly.

Two weeks before planting, seedlings are hardened, placing containers with plants in an open and protected from the wind space.

To prevent dusting, the planting of sweet pepper on seedlings and bitter variety of this plant should be carried out in separate containers.

Planting seedlings in the open ground

To get a high yield, which will remain a long time to preserve its presentation, it is also desirable to choose the most favorable day for planting seedlings. To plant pepper in the open ground, this will be the period when the moon will be in a phase of decline. Learn about this easily - look at the night sky. If the moon resembles a sickle or the letter "C", then you can proceed to disembark.

It is believed that with a waning moon, the plant tolerates transplant more easily, so this time of planting of peppers is not in vain - seedlings are less sick and adapt more quickly to new conditions of detention.

The beds are located in a sunny place. The ground is pre-prepared - loosened and mineral fertilizers are introduced.

In the prepared wells, carefully, so as not to damage the root system, not deepening, lower one plant. The distance between the plants is about 20 cm, and between the rows - 70 cm. The surrounding space is well watered and mulched.

Pepper has a powerful and sprawling root, due to which it is relatively drought-resistant. But to abuse this quality and to allow the drying of the soil should not be. To obtain a quality crop, the plant needs regular irrigation, especially during flowering and ovary formation.

By the way, it is considered that if the first ovary is removed from the pepper, then new ones are formed much more.

From the moment the seeds are planted to the flowering stage, depending on the variety, an average of about 80-100 days passes. The final ripening of the pepper fruits takes place on the 140-180 day after seeding on the seedlings.

What is needed and how to correctly mulch the soil under the seedlings

The advantage of growing plants with mulching soil under them is obvious.

First, it allows to increase the irrigation interval, and therefore, to reduce the water flow.

Secondly, the land is not so warmed up, which also has a beneficial effect on yields. It is proved that at temperatures above 35 ° C the pepper starts to drop flowers and ovaries.

Some gardeners mistakenly believe that it is enough to simply fill up a bed of mulch and that's all.

Mulch also needs care. After it was evenly distributed over the bed, it is necessary to spray with special micropreparations. Only then will it retain its biological qualities.

Application of fertilizers

Pepper is very responsive to the application of fertilizers. Top dressing of plants is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The first top dressing - for 10-15 days after planting seedlings in the ground;
  • Second feeding - after the plant enters the flowering phase;
  • The third fertilizing is after the plant enters the fruiting phase.

As a fertilizer, it is advisable to use recycled poultry manure or slurry. Litter is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, slurry - 1 to 5.

Sometimes pepper is treated with wood ash, sprinkling it with beds, or during irrigation, dissolving 200 g of ash in 10 liters of water.

The main secrets of getting a high pepper crop

Summarizing all of the above, we should highlight 5 main points, if you observe that the crop of pepper in your garden is always consistently high:

  • Select the seeds. For planting on seedlings, choose the seed material of only good quality and a productive variety.
  • Plant seeds and seedlings on a favorable day for planting pepper.
  • Observe the temperature regime when growing seedlings. Temper it before planting in open ground.
  • Mulch the beds with pepper.
  • Carry out timely watering and fertilize plants with organic fertilizers.

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