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Famous domestic biologists and their discoveries

Until the XIX century, the concept of "biology" did not exist, and those who studied nature, called naturalists, naturalists. Now these scientists are called the ancestors of the biological sciences. Let us recall who the Russian biologists were (and briefly describe their discoveries), which influenced the development of biology as a science and laid the foundation for its new directions.

Vavilov N.I. (1887-1943)

Our biologists and their discoveries are known all over the world. Among the most famous are Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, a Soviet botanist, geographer, breeder, geneticist. Born in a merchant family, he was educated at an agricultural institute. For twenty years he led scientific expeditions, studying the plant world. He traveled almost the entire globe, except for Australia and Antarctica. I collected a unique collection of seeds from various plants.

During his expeditions, the scientist identified the centers of the origin of cultivated plants. He suggested that there are some centers of their origin. He made a huge contribution to the study of plant immunity and revealed the law of homologous series, which allowed establishing regularities in the evolution of the plant world. In 1940, the botanist was arrested on a trumped-up charge of embezzlement. He died in prison, posthumously rehabilitated.

Kovalevsky A.O. (1840-1901)

Among the pioneers, a worthy place is occupied by Russian biologists. And their discoveries appeared on the development of world science. Among world-famous researchers of invertebrates - Alexander Onufrievich Kovalevsky, embryologist and biologist. Educated at St. Petersburg University. He studied sea animals, undertook expeditions to the Red, Caspian, Mediterranean and Adriatic seas. He created the Sevastopol marine biostation and for a long time was its director. Has made a huge contribution to aquarium.

Alexander Onufrievich studied the embryology and physiology of invertebrates. He was a supporter of Darwinism and studied the mechanisms of evolution. Conducted research in the field of physiology, anatomy and histology of invertebrates. He became one of the creators of evolutionary embryology and histology.

Mechnikov II (1845-1916)

Our biologists and their discoveries were appreciated in the world. Ilya Ilyich Metchnikov in 1908 became the Nobel Prize winner in the field of physiology and medicine. Mechnikov was born in the family of an officer, he received his education at Kharkov University. I discovered intracellular digestion, cellular immunity, and proved by the methods of embryology the common origin of vertebrates and invertebrates.

Worked on issues of evolutionary and comparative embryology and together with Kovalevsky became the ancestor of this scientific direction. Proceedings of Mechnikov were of great importance in the fight against infectious diseases, typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera. The scientist was occupied with the processes of aging. He believed that premature death is caused by poisoning with microbial poisons and promoted hygienic methods of struggle, an important role assigned to the restoration of intestinal microflora with the help of fermented milk products. The scientist created the Russian school of immunology, microbiology, pathology.

Pavlov I.I. (1849-1936)

What contribution did the Russian biologists and their discoveries make to the study of higher nervous activity? The first Russian Nobel laureate in the field of medicine was Pavlov Ivan Petrovich for his work on the physiology of digestion. The great Russian biologist and physiologist became the creator of the science of higher nervous activity. He introduced the concept of unconditioned and conditioned reflexes.

The scientist came from a clergyman's family and graduated from the Ryazan theological seminary. But in his last year I read Sechenov's book on cerebral reflexes and was carried away by biology and medicine. He studied the physiology of animals in St. Petersburg University. Pavlov with the help of surgical methods for 10 years studied in detail the physiology of digestion and for these studies received the Nobel Prize. The next area of interest was the higher nervous activity, the study of which he devoted 35 years. He introduced the basic concepts of the science of behavior-conditional and unconditioned reflexes, reinforcement.

Koltsov N.K. (1872-1940)

We continue the topic "Domestic Scientists-Biologists and Their Discoveries." Nikolai Konstantinovich Koltsov is a biologist, the founder of the school of experimental biology. He was born in the family of an accountant. He graduated from Moscow University, where he studied comparative anatomy and embryology, collected scientific material in European laboratories. He organized a laboratory of experimental biology at the Shanyavsky People's University.

He studied the biophysics of cells, the factors that determine its shape. These works were included in the science under the name "Koltsov's principle". Koltsov is one of the founders of genetics in Russia, the organizer of the first laboratories and the Department of Experimental Biology. The scientist founded three biostation stations. He became the first Russian scientist who used the physicochemical method in biological research.

Timiryazev K.A. (1843-1920)

Domestic scientists of biology and their discoveries in the field of plant physiology contributed to the development of the scientific foundations of agronomy. Timiryazev Kliment Arkadevich was a natural scientist, a researcher of photosynthesis and a propagandist of Darwin's ideas. The scientist came from a noble family, graduated from St. Petersburg University.

Timiryazev studied the issues of plant nutrition, photosynthesis, drought resistance. The scientist was engaged not only in pure science, but also attached great importance to the practical application of research. He was in charge of an experimental field, where he tested various fertilizers and recorded their effect on the crop. Thanks to this research, agriculture has progressed considerably along the path of intensification.

Michurin I.V. (1855-1935)

Scientists and biologists of Russia and their discoveries significantly influenced agriculture and gardening. Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin is a well-known biologist and breeder. His ancestors were small noblemen, from them the scientist took interest in gardening. Even in his early childhood, he courted the garden, many trees in which were grafted by his father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Michurin began his selection work in a rented abandoned estate. Over the period of his activity he brought out more than 300 varieties of cultivated plants, including those adapted to the conditions of the central strip of Russia.

Tikhomirov AA (1850-1931)

Russian biologists and their discoveries helped develop new directions in agriculture. Alexander Andreevich Tikhomirov is a biologist, doctor of zoology and rector of Moscow University. In St. Petersburg University received a law degree, but became interested in biology and received a second higher education at the Moscow University at the Department of Natural Sciences. The scientist discovered such a phenomenon as artificial parthenogenesis, one of the most important sections in individual development. He made a great contribution to the development of sericulture.

Sechenov I.M. (1829-1905)

The topic "Famous biologists and their discoveries" will be incomplete without mentioning Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov. This is the famous Russian evolutionary biologist, physiologist and educator. Born in the family of a landowner, he received his education at the Main Engineering School and Moscow University.

The scientist examined the brain and discovered a center that causes inhibition of the central nervous system, proved the influence of the brain on muscle activity. He wrote a classic work "Reflexes of the brain," where he formulated the idea that conscious and unconscious acts are performed in the form of reflexes. Represented the brain as a computer that controls all processes of life. He substantiated the respiratory function of blood. The scientist created a national school of physiology.

Ivanovsky D.I. (1864-1920)

The end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was the time when great Russian biologists worked. And their discoveries (a table of any size could not contain their list) contributed to the development of medicine and biology. Among them, Dmitri Iosifovich Ivanovsky is a physiologist, microbiologist and ancestor of virology. Educated at St. Petersburg University. Even while studying, he showed interest in plant diseases.

The scientist suggested that the diseases are caused by the smallest bacteria or toxins. The viruses themselves were seen with the electron microscope only after 50 years. It is Ivanovsky who is considered the ancestor of virology as a science. The scientist studied the process of alcohol fermentation and the influence of chlorophyll and oxygen on it, the anatomy of plants, soil microbiology.

Chetverikov S.S. (1880-1959)

Russian biologists and their discoveries have made a great contribution to the development of genetics. Chetverikov Sergey Sergeevich was born a scientist in the family of a manufacturer, received his education at Moscow University. This is an outstanding geneticist-evolutionist, who organized the study of heredity in animal populations. Thanks to these studies, the scientist is considered the founder of evolutionary genetics. He initiated a new discipline - the genetics of populations.

You have read the article "Famous Russian biologists and their discoveries". The table of their achievements can be compiled on the basis of the proposed material.

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