Food and drinkDessert

Extraordinary delicious cake "Snickers": cooking recipes

It's no secret that sweet improves your mood and makes us a little happier. Especially for sweet tooths and was created a culinary masterpiece - a cake "Snickers". Today you will learn how to cook this dish at home. The recipe is very simple, it can cook even an inept or beginning chef. The most important rule is to follow the cooking formula exactly and you will succeed.

Cake "Snickers"

To get a lavish dough, you need to stock up a number of products. We need: several tablespoons of sour cream, three eggs, cocoa powder 50 grams, flour about two tablespoons with a slide, soda, extinguished with vinegar, and a little sugar (to taste).

Cream the first: butter 100 gr., Half a liter of milk, sugar, flour 30 gr.

Cream the second: butter in the same amount, a can of boiled condensed milk, crackers 200 gr., Peanuts 200 gr.

For chocolate mass (you can buy three hundred grams of chocolate and melt on a water bath): sour cream 30 g., Sugar 30 g., Cocoa powder, tablespoon.

Preparation: eggs with sugar sand whip with a mixer in a lush mass. To her add sour cream, cocoa and vinegar extinguished soda. All is well mixed up to a homogeneous consistency and we pour the necessary quantity of flour. As a result, we should get a thick dough, reminiscent of not too liquid sour cream.

The dough is divided into two parts. Roll out the layers and lay out on parchment paper or foil. We put the forms with cakes in the oven for 30 minutes (temperature about 200 C).

Cooking cream number 1. In warm milk (100 grams.), Do not stop stirring, slowly mix the flour and rub it carefully, so that not a single lump is formed.

Take the pan, pour the milk into it, add the sugar and set it on a slow fire. After the milk and sugar mass boils, add a thin, trickle (with constant stirring) milk, diluted with flour. The custard after a while will thicken and become like a pudding - remove the saucepan from the hotplate and leave to cool. Put the butter in the frozen cream.

For cream number 2 you need to grind the crackers into small crumbs to mix them with boiled condensed milk, peanuts and softened butter - ready.

For chocolate: mix cocoa powder, sugar and sour cream. We put the resulting mass on the fire and let it boil, then leave it for a few more minutes and put it in the cold for an hour.

We form the Snickers cake. We baked only two crusts, now each is cut in half, eventually we get four thin layers.

The first cake is covered with custard, the next is condensed, so we continue to alternate the rest of the cakes. The smeared cake should be put in a cold place for about thirty minutes. After that, on all sides, cover it with plenty of chocolate and again put it in the cold for the whole night.

In the morning, the delicacy will be completely ready for consumption, and you can enjoy its unique taste.

Now let's try to make the cake "Air Snickers" , no less delicious, but more labor-intensive in cooking.

For the test: one and a half glasses of sugar, six yolks, butter 250 g., Flour three glasses, mayonnaise 10 g., Vanilla, soda, extinguished with lemon juice.

For the protein mass: six proteins, a glass of sugar - beat in a lush foam.

For the cream you need: butter about two hundred grams, a can of boiled condensed milk, walnuts (all the ingredients are connected together and put in cold).

For chocolate fudge: dark chocolate tile, butter at least 100 gr., Chocolate mastic (as decoration) and corn syrup.

Preparation: knead the dough from the listed products, divide it into 3 medium-sized bowls and send them for half an hour to a cold place. After our dough has cooled a bit, we distribute each pellet by hand on a baking sheet, lay 1/3 part of the protein mass on top of the layer and form a spoonful of wavy lines, bake until ready at 120 ° C.

Similar actions are performed with the rest of the balls. As a result, we got three beautiful cakes, now we are applying a creamy-condensed cream on the first and second cakes. The last biscuit is plentifully coated with chocolate fondant and sprinkled with nuts, you can use the food colors to write the word "Snickers" cake. A very tasty cake will please all your loved ones! To make it even juicier, it is better to leave it in the refrigerator for the night.

Now you know how to make a cake "Snickers", we hope that this dish will replenish your piggy bank of recipes.

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